How YOU shaped this engagement
The City held its first public engagement on municipal budgets in 2020. Learn more about that process, the feedback received and how that input is being used to inform City budgets. Learn more here.
Key take-aways from our first engagement:
- The amount of information presented was overwhelming. Information should be streamlined and simplified.
- Increase the opportunity for feedback and conversation.
- How to reach an expanded and more diverse representation of the community.
- Increase the use of interactive tools and use of infographics.
- Focused interest in level of investment in housing, social services, climate change and police
This feedback, as well as ongoing fiscal challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, have shaped the City’s 2022 budget engagement planning. In response, this year the City will adopt the following strategies as part of the engagement process:
- Use of proven tools. The City will use the Get Involved Kingston platform, social media, virtual open houses, in-person events and a rebranded Budget and Financial webpage to reach out and engage residents.
- Host in-person events, pending COVID-19 restrictions. In July and August, City staff will attend community markets to raise awareness and obtain feedback from residents on City budgets.
- Host focused and shorter online sessions. The City will host four virtual open houses where residents can learn more about and provide input on the services and related budgets of specific City departments and agencies.
- Expanded outreach. In addition to in-person events, the City is leveraging existing agency and community partner relationships to reach a diverse audience of community members and targeted demographics. The City will work with community partners to ensure everyone has an opportunity to provide input.
Consultation has concluded