If residents want better roads, more funding is needed. This funding could come from higher taxes, new fees, government transfers or cuts in other services.
If residents are satisfied with the current road conditions (the current LOS), no additional funding would be needed, and the roads would continue to be maintained at their current state.
Lastly, if residents are willing to accept more potholes, cracks and uneven surfaces within the minimum required standards (lower LOS), the current funding could be redirected to other priority service areas in the city.
What is Asset Management?
Asset management is about managing physical assets (like infrastructure, equipment, or property) to ensure they provide value throughout their entire lifespan. It involves decisions on acquiring, maintaining, upgrading or replacing assets by considering cost, performance, and long-term needs.
For example, you might apply asset management with your home appliances. You decide whether to repair or replace a broken refrigerator based on its age, efficiency and your needs. Regular maintenance extends its life and energy efficiency might influence upgrades.
On a larger scale, cities manage many assets like roads, buildings, utilities and machinery. They assess these assets' condition and performance to prioritize care, ensuring they meet needs efficiently. Data-driven decisions help allocate resources, balance short-term and long-term goals, and minimize risks.
This process requires collaboration across departments to align decisions with the asset's value and the organization's goals, leading to sustainable and cost-effective outcomes.
What is level of service?
A crucial aspect of asset management is Levels of Service (LOS). LOS defines the outcomes that customers experience from City services delivered by the assets.
Municipal assets are key to delivering a wide range of services, and the performance directly affects the service quality.
Gathering community feedback helps assess service perception, identify valued services, recognize underutilized ones and find areas for improvement. This insight helps municipalities focus resources on the most important services.
What is the Asset Management Plan?
An asset management plan (AMP) is a document that outlines the assets owned by the municipality, the current condition of these assets, levels of service, the lifecycle activities performed on these assets, how the assets are funded throughout their service lives and recommendations for future improvement. The asset management plan will define levels of service based on resident feedback (community level of service) and an evaluation of asset performance (technical level of service).
What is the Impact of Changing Levels of Service?
Levels of service (LOS) determine how much funding is needed for municipal services.
For example, when you use the roads in Kingston, the condition of these roads (potholes, cracks, uneven surfaces) shows the current LOS based on the City's existing budget.