Business By-Law Review

The City is undertaking a comprehensive review of the By-Law Number 2006-213, "A By-Law to License, Regulate and Govern Certain Businesses". Also known as the "Business Licensing By-Law", staff are proposing minor housekeeping changes to most of the regulated businesses. There are also some new businesses being added in consideration of health and safety, nuisance control and consumer protection. The amendment proposes to add Vapour Product Retail and Scrap Metal Dealer and expanding food services by adding Commercial Kitchens.

Get Involved!

Public engagement on this project is taking place at the Inform and Consult Levels of the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation. Throughout the project, staff will keep you informed and consider your feedback regarding the proposed changes.

  • Complete a survey online, by phone or request a survey to be mailed or emailed to you. Contact us for phone, email or mailed surveys. The survey closes Sept. 30 at 4 p.m.
  • Submit an idea for other type of Kingston businesses which would benefit from being regulated. Visit the ideas section to suggest a business.

Your feedback will also be used to guide future policy decisions related to regulating businesses in the municipality and inform communications with the business community.

The City is undertaking a comprehensive review of the By-Law Number 2006-213, "A By-Law to License, Regulate and Govern Certain Businesses". Also known as the "Business Licensing By-Law", staff are proposing minor housekeeping changes to most of the regulated businesses. There are also some new businesses being added in consideration of health and safety, nuisance control and consumer protection. The amendment proposes to add Vapour Product Retail and Scrap Metal Dealer and expanding food services by adding Commercial Kitchens.

Get Involved!

Public engagement on this project is taking place at the Inform and Consult Levels of the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation. Throughout the project, staff will keep you informed and consider your feedback regarding the proposed changes.

  • Complete a survey online, by phone or request a survey to be mailed or emailed to you. Contact us for phone, email or mailed surveys. The survey closes Sept. 30 at 4 p.m.
  • Submit an idea for other type of Kingston businesses which would benefit from being regulated. Visit the ideas section to suggest a business.

Your feedback will also be used to guide future policy decisions related to regulating businesses in the municipality and inform communications with the business community.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City is undertaking a comprehensive review of the By-Law Number 2006-213, "A By-Law to License, Regulate and Govern Certain Businesses". Also known as the "Business Licensing By-Law", staff are proposing minor housekeeping changes to most of the regulated businesses. There are some new businesses being added in consideration of health and safety, nuisance control and consumer protection. Through the Business Licensing By-Law, the City of Kingston regulates the following business types: 

    • Amusement Arcade 
    • Auctioneer 
    • Automotive Repair 
    • Billiard Tables 
    • Food Service Premises 
    • Gasoline Sales 
    • Hawker/Peddler
    • Lodging House
    • Meat and Fish Sales
    • Pawnbroker
    • Payday Loan Establishment
    • Pet Store
    • Plumbing Services
    • Refreshment Vehicle
    • Salon
    • Temporary Sales (Specific Day Sales)
    • Street Performer
    • Theatre
    • Tobacco Sales

    The by-law amendment proposes to add two business types:  

    • Vapour Product Retail 
    • Scrap Metal Dealer 

    And expanding food services by adding:  

    • Commercial Kitchens

    Public engagement on this project is taking place at the Inform and Consult Levels of the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation. Throughout the project, staff will keep you informed and consider your feedback regarding the proposed changes. Your feedback will also be used to guide future policy decisions related to regulating businesses in the municipality and inform communications with the business community.

    Approximate time to complete survey: 10 minutes 

    Survey closes: Sept. 30, 2024 at 4 p.m.

    If you prefer an email or paper copy of this survey, or would like to complete the survey by phone, please contact us.

Page last updated: 27 Dec 2024, 10:56 AM