Community Safety and Well-being Survey
One of the first step in this process is to gather insights from community members, based on your experiences and expertise. This input will help guide the development of the Community Safety and Well-being plan by assisting in the identification of priority areas to be addressed and helping to understand what is currently working well, what needs to be changed or improved and what might be missing.
Please take a few minutes to respond to this short survey and share your experiences.
Survey closes November 30 at 4 p.m.
Please Note:
Due to a technical error, the fourth question of the Community Safety and Well Being Survey, Please check all the descriptions below that apply to you, was set to only receive one answer. If you already answered this question but feel that you would like to select more descriptions, please click here to re-answer that question so your supplementary input will be included. The current survey reflects the amended question and we apologize for any confusion.
Consultation has concluded