Latest Confederation Basin Promenade designs

Project update

Project area of consideration. Overview plan of existing Confederation Basin Marina with existing breakwall outline.

In April 2022, City Council approved the “enhanced design” option for the Confederation Basin Promenade which includes:

  • An enhanced entry area;
  • A 4m wide concrete promenade to the Bend (first segment);
  • A 5m wide lookout area at the Bend;
  • A 3m wide walkway to the lighthouse (second segment);
  • Extra seating; and
  • Enhanced swimming access to the water.

Overview plan of existing Confederation Basin Marina with the first segment, bend and second segment outlined. Enhanced entry area is circled.

Geotechnical Testing

Through July 2022, geotechnical testing was performed at various locations along the breakwall. The testing confirmed the condition of the core of the breakwall and helped to determine the effectiveness of various support options for the walkway. Results of the geotechnical testing were used to develop the detailed design for the walkway and to determine feasible options for construction.

Three images of geotechnical testing that was completed at different locations along the breakwall.

Segment one design

The design of segment one includes a 4m wide concrete deck with a seat wall on the lake side and toe-rail on the basin side. Seating bump-outs are proposed in various locations.

Artist rendering of proposed promenade walkway. Image showcases concrete path on the first segment and the bend. There is a concrete seatwall on the right side and a designated seating area at the bend. People are walking the lit walkway.

The Bend design

A 5m wide lookout area is proposed at the ‘Bend’ of the Breakwall. The design includes seating and life safety equipment.

Artist rendering of the Bend. Showcasing concrete walkway across the breakwater with a sitting area outlooking from the bend, lighting, a concrete seatwall and people walking along the promenade.

Second segment design

To optimize the available budget for the project, the team is exploring two design solutions for constructing the second segment of the Promenade. The two solutions are a concrete deck and an elevated walkway. Both solutions include a terminus lookout at the lighthouse (beacon), seating, lighting and railings where required.

Concrete deck solution

The concrete deck solution involves constructing a poured-in-place concrete walkway supported by piles installed through the breakwall core. The Concrete Deck is proposed to sit within the breakwall stones and will be protected on the lake facing side with a low seatwall.

Artist rendering of the Confederation Basin project shows a concrete walkway, lighthouse lookout area and new walkway and navigation lights.

Elevated walkway solution

The elevated walkway solution is proposed as a pile-supported structure with a timber deck. It would sit approximately 0.5m above the breakwall stones, and would be aligned slightly off-centre towards the basin and may require railings on both sides.

Artist rendering of the Confederation Basin project shows a wooden walkway, lighthouse lookout area and new walkway and navigation lights.

Enhanced entry area design

The design team has been exploring options for the design of the entry area. The goal is to provide features that improve the public realm experience at the entrance to the Promenade and at the water’s edge along Battery Park. The design currently proposes a shade canopy, sandy seating area, stepped terrace to the water’s edge, tree planting and various types of seating.

Artist rendering of the Confederation Basin project shows an aerial view of the enhanced entry area, pedestrian access to future swimming area, seating features, stepped terrace, sand seating area and people walking on a pathway.

Artist rendering of the Confederation Basin project shows the enhanced entry area, pedestrian access to future swimming area and people walking on a pathway.

Artist rendering of the Confederation Basin project shows the enhanced entry area, pedestrian access to future swimming area and people walking down a pathway.

Artist rendering shows the enhanced entry area, pedestrian access to future swimming area and people walking on a pathway.

Future enhanced swimming area

The City is investigating the design and feasibility of an enhanced swimming area.

Two images of people swimming and jumping off a dock into the water.
