Development Charges Review
The City of Kingston has initiated a background study to inform possible changes to its Development Charge and Impost Fee bylaws.
As part of the building permit process, the City charges builders to help fund the need for additional infrastructure required to accommodate future growth.
The Development Charges Act, 1997, requires that the municipality review its development charge every 10 years, including preparing a background study and holding at least one statutory public meeting.
What are development charges?
The Municipal Finance Officers' Association (MFOA) of Ontario has created a handy video explaining what development charges are and how they work. Take a look on the MFOA website.
Get Involved
- The draft background study and bylaw is available for you to review.
- Additional information is available in the Addendum to 2024 Development Charges Background Study.
- Use the Follow Project feature to sign up for updates.
Information Session
The video and presentation from the Jan. 15 open house is available to view.