Green street concepts

Below are three different types of green street concepts. Each concept contains a cross-section or ground-level view and an overhead or plan view of the street to give you an idea of how they might look.

Once you have reviewed these please let us know your favourite by completing the survey before Nov. 3 at 4.p.m.

Option 1 - Green mid-level

This option provides a medium amount of green street features, adding additional tree plantings and a mid-block bump out that is planted with flowers and greenery.

Option 1 shows a medium level approach for implementing a Green Street. This option includes planted bump outs with benches at both ends of the block and at the middle of the block.

Option 1 shows a medium level approach for implementing a Green Street. This option includes planted bump outs with benches at both ends of the block and at the middle of the block.

Option 2 - Green lite

This is the lightest green street model and retains parking on the street while adding curb bump-outs with plants and greenery at the intersection as well as bench seating.

Option 2 shows an alternative approach for implementing a Green Street that includes fewer alterations than Option 1. Option 2 includes planted bump outs with benches at both ends of the block.

Option 2 shows an alternative approach for implementing a Green Street that includes fewer alterations than Option 1. Option 2 includes planted bump outs with benches at both ends of the block.

Option 3 - Green heavy

The heaviest green street model uses all of the features in the lite and mid concepts. It also adds a raised pedestrian crossing to help slow traffic.

Option 3 shows an alternative approach for implementing a Green Street that includes more alterations than Option 1. Option 3 includes planted bump outs with benches at both ends of the block, longer bump outs at the middle of the block, and a raised crosswalk at both ends of the block.

Option 3 shows an alternative approach for implementing a Green Street that includes more alterations than Option 1. Option 3 includes planted bump outs with benches at both ends of the block, longer bump outs at the middle of the block, and a raised crosswalk at both ends of the block.

Consultation has concluded, the engagement report is available online.
