Engagement summary: intersection design

Why we engaged

The City of Kingston is planning construction work in 2024 to make improvements at and around the intersection of John Counter Boulevard and Montreal Street. This includes reconstructing the intersection, extending the existing multi-use pathway from the Waaban Crossing along John Counter Boulevard to the K&P trailhead at Elliott Avenue and rehabilitating the Canadian National Railway overpass north of the intersection. These improvements will make it easier and safer for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists to travel in the area.

The preliminary design drawings were published on Get Involved Kingston to show the community how the lanes will look approaching the intersection, as well as changes to sidewalks, paths, on- and off-road bike lanes and transit stops. Learn more about the City is improving cycling options by reviewing the Active Transportation Implementation Plan.

How we engaged

Community members were invited to ask questions of the project team from Nov. 6 to 24 by using the question tool on Get Involved Kingston. The community was provided opportunities to engage online, by phone or by mail. Social media, Curbex signs, Get Involved email newsletters and the City’s website carousel were used to communicate about this engagement.

Members of the project team also reached out directly to neighbouring residents and business/property owners to share information about the project and answer questions.

Who we heard from

  • Eight engaged participants asked a question or emailed the project team

  • 615 aware participants visited the project page

  • Two participants created a new Get Involved Kingston account

Next steps

The project team will be reaching out to the community in winter 2024 for feedback on the location of rest areas.

Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2024, with any necessary carryover work to be finished in 2025. Subscribe to the Traffic Report(External link) to stay up to date on traffic impacts in the area.

** Please note: Impacts from the Lasalle Causeway closure delayed construction to Spring 2025.

What we heard

The following are a list of comments and questions submitted by registered Get Involved Kingston participants. Feedback that did not follow the City of Kingston's Guidelines for Participation were omitted from the feedback.

  • As someone who commutes the Waaban Crossing daily the biggest choke point in my opinion is the lights at Ascot Lane. What I've noticed is that the John Counter lights will turn green but then the Ascot Lane lights will change to allow its traffic onto John Counter Blvd or the bridge, stopping the flow of traffic over the East and West causing it to back up (sometimes to the East end of the bridge). I believe the intersection improvements will help the North, South, and West legs but the East leg will still have issues.

  • Our main concern will be the loss of being able to turn left out on to John Counter Boulevard and left from John Counter Boulevard into the Chat-A-Bit Station Plaza. This will have a detrimental impact on the businesses in the mall. We have always had all direction turning on John Counter Boulevard. If you would please reconsider. We have located our business on this corner because of the access it allowed, to our drive thru clientele. We must support our local businesses that employ, provide needed services and support our local community. Please do not shut down our full access route to our mall, it will have major effects on our customer getting into and out of our business.

  • Hi, as a recent full-time cyclist commuter I am finding myself enjoying the new plans for this intersection. I cross here going east to west and vice versa daily. I see bus stops being added and I'm excited to finally see a bus line use the bridge to avoid the causeway. The separation of cars and bikes with the multi-use paths is appreciated, but I hope to see the installation of bollards on the road-bound bike paths. Cars on JCB tend to speed in both directions and I've almost been clotheslined by side mirrors more than once. In light of the recent death of an experienced cyclist I'd like to see the city plan more traffic calming measures and protected bike lanes on strips of road like this where the speed limit is 50+kph. Temporary bollards would be a great first step for data gathering, and more permanent installations of concrete separating curbs, raised paths and permanent bollards would do a great deal of increasing cycling use and help the city meet its climate goals. Thanks to its small but dense size, Kingston could be one of the leading cycling cities in Ontario. It's perfect size wise but needs the infrastructure to encourage non-cyclists to convert.

  • I would urge that you remove the lights at Ascot Lane and Point St Mark Drive and install a roundabout. They are ineffective at moving traffic and are spaced out too close to the lights before the crossing.

  • Better timing of traffic signals to reflect morning (southbound) and afternoon (northbound) traffic patterns on Montreal St. Since the bridge opened, vehicles on Montreal St are lined up almost to Sutherland Dr in the morning; likewise, in the afternoon, vehicles on Montreal St are lined up almost to Raglan Rd. Yet in comparison, vehicles coming from the bridge are virtually non-existent. Perhaps traffic signal timing could be something that could be implemented much sooner than the proposed project.

  • A few questions about this much needed project 1. With others coordinating the causeway and 401 constructions how will users be notified at the approach to this intersection while the construction is taking place what lanes are closed? 2. How will a cyclist transition from an on-road to off-road bike lane? 3. What period of time and related data will be used to determine the light timing for advanced green and green lights? (with the current causeway construction (fall 2023) there is more traffic on the Waaban Crossing)

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