Sir John A McDonald

Let me begin by saying "Sir" John A, FIRST PM of Canada lived 1815-1891. In the 19th Century, there were many more wars than I thought involving French, English and Indigenous peoples. History states they were mistreated and therefore fought back. But it wasn't only the indigenous peoples, it was also the new homesteaders-some who were killed by indigenous people just for trying to settle or move to new territories. Right or wrong with today's vision, it was what was happening back then. Measures were taken to correct the situation and peaceful solutions were sought. The non-indigenous people thought they were right and were heading in the right direction so they, under the leadership of Sir John A tried to bring everyone they encountered to a better life. Sometimes the direction of the leadership does not get fully translated to the en-actors of the direction. Of course it should have been corrected, but again, they were in the 19th C and not using today's visionary abilities.

Just a decade or so ago, Pride Parades were not as common or attended as it is today. Was it wrong? No. It was just different and not as well understood. Sir John A had many accomplishments and we need to recognize those as well as his failings (by today's standards).

Let's not lose sight of the First P M of Canada. He was our beginning. Let's learn from our past not hide it.

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