Proposal for Open Space Disposition to Support an Indoor Sportsplex

Neck-down shot of children playing soccer at an indoor field. They are wearing blue shorts and yellow and green jerseys.

Update Feb. 13 2025: Report Number 25-065 (Proposed Indoor Multi-Sport Facility at St. Lawrence Business Park) will be going to Council on Tuesday, February 18 2025. Please see an update on the project and revised site boundaries below.

The City of Kingston is seeking input on the proposed disposition of a two-acre parcel of John Machin Fields Park. It is designated Open Space in the Official Plan and currently contains a mid-sized soccer field and pathway and is located next to 735 Innovation Drive. 735 Innovation Drive is part of the business park lands; it is three acres in size and a portion of it has been informally used as a parking area for John Machin Park.

A prospective purchaser is looking to establish an approximately 7,000 square metre all-season (permanent) indoor sports facility on 735 Innovation Drive. Approximately five acres is required for the development of a building and associated parking; proposed parking would also be available for John Machin soccer field users during the peak outdoor soccer season.

Proposed development:

  • 7000 sq m facility on 735 Innovation Drive (indoor sportsplex);
  • Parking lot on two-acre parcel east of 735 Innovation Drive associated with the sportsplex facility;
  • A public pathway from the Greenwood Park Trail to Innovation Drive on the west part of the site

Sketch showing 735 Innovation Drive lands and the subject two acre park parcel proposed for disposition


With the closure of the indoor sportsplex at 1485 Westbrook Road, there is currently no indoor multisport facility available for public use in Kingston. A significant number of inquiries on the lack of this facility have been received from the public by staff and the Mayor’s Office. City staff were approached by a group who is looking to establish an approximately 7,000 square metre all-season (permanent) indoor sports facility to address this gap.

The proposed development would require an approximate five-acre parcel: three-acres for the facility and two-acres for associated parking. The only suitable option currently available with an opportune location is in St. Lawrence Business Park. The City owns a vacant three-acre parcel adjacent to the John Machin soccer fields at 735 Innovation Drive. If two acres of the soccer field land to the east were added to 735 Innovation Drive, it would be an optimal site for the proposed development. The City of Kingston is seeking public feedback on the proposed disposition of the two-acre parcel of the park.

The Official Plan requires the City to conduct a public meeting on the disposition of parkland. Feedback from this engagement would be reported back to Council for their consideration. The terms of the disposition of the parkland would also be subject to Council approval.

Project Impacts

  • John Machin Park: The proposed sale of two acres of soccer field land to the prospective purchaser, if approved by Council, would result in the removal of a three-quarter sized soccer field and impacts the location of the existing pathway. It will also result in the addition of an indoor sportsplex with a full-size soccer field.
  • Zoning: 735 Innovation Dr. is part of the employment lands inventory and it is currently zoned Business Park (M1). The proposed development would require a zoning by-law amendment for 735 Innovation Dr. from M1 zone to OS zone. Public will have additional opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposed development as a separate public consultation will take place for the zoning by-law amendment.

Have Your Say

Residents are encourage to share feedback on this project before October 3 by using the survey tool below. You’re also invited to come to a Public Open House at Kingston East Community Centre on September 18 (details below).

Neck-down shot of children playing soccer at an indoor field. They are wearing blue shorts and yellow and green jerseys.

Update Feb. 13 2025: Report Number 25-065 (Proposed Indoor Multi-Sport Facility at St. Lawrence Business Park) will be going to Council on Tuesday, February 18 2025. Please see an update on the project and revised site boundaries below.

The City of Kingston is seeking input on the proposed disposition of a two-acre parcel of John Machin Fields Park. It is designated Open Space in the Official Plan and currently contains a mid-sized soccer field and pathway and is located next to 735 Innovation Drive. 735 Innovation Drive is part of the business park lands; it is three acres in size and a portion of it has been informally used as a parking area for John Machin Park.

A prospective purchaser is looking to establish an approximately 7,000 square metre all-season (permanent) indoor sports facility on 735 Innovation Drive. Approximately five acres is required for the development of a building and associated parking; proposed parking would also be available for John Machin soccer field users during the peak outdoor soccer season.

Proposed development:

  • 7000 sq m facility on 735 Innovation Drive (indoor sportsplex);
  • Parking lot on two-acre parcel east of 735 Innovation Drive associated with the sportsplex facility;
  • A public pathway from the Greenwood Park Trail to Innovation Drive on the west part of the site

Sketch showing 735 Innovation Drive lands and the subject two acre park parcel proposed for disposition


With the closure of the indoor sportsplex at 1485 Westbrook Road, there is currently no indoor multisport facility available for public use in Kingston. A significant number of inquiries on the lack of this facility have been received from the public by staff and the Mayor’s Office. City staff were approached by a group who is looking to establish an approximately 7,000 square metre all-season (permanent) indoor sports facility to address this gap.

The proposed development would require an approximate five-acre parcel: three-acres for the facility and two-acres for associated parking. The only suitable option currently available with an opportune location is in St. Lawrence Business Park. The City owns a vacant three-acre parcel adjacent to the John Machin soccer fields at 735 Innovation Drive. If two acres of the soccer field land to the east were added to 735 Innovation Drive, it would be an optimal site for the proposed development. The City of Kingston is seeking public feedback on the proposed disposition of the two-acre parcel of the park.

The Official Plan requires the City to conduct a public meeting on the disposition of parkland. Feedback from this engagement would be reported back to Council for their consideration. The terms of the disposition of the parkland would also be subject to Council approval.

Project Impacts

  • John Machin Park: The proposed sale of two acres of soccer field land to the prospective purchaser, if approved by Council, would result in the removal of a three-quarter sized soccer field and impacts the location of the existing pathway. It will also result in the addition of an indoor sportsplex with a full-size soccer field.
  • Zoning: 735 Innovation Dr. is part of the employment lands inventory and it is currently zoned Business Park (M1). The proposed development would require a zoning by-law amendment for 735 Innovation Dr. from M1 zone to OS zone. Public will have additional opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposed development as a separate public consultation will take place for the zoning by-law amendment.

Have Your Say

Residents are encourage to share feedback on this project before October 3 by using the survey tool below. You’re also invited to come to a Public Open House at Kingston East Community Centre on September 18 (details below).

  • Update: Report to Council and Revised Site Boundaries

    Update - Feb. 13 2025

    Report Number 25-065 (Proposed Indoor Multi-Sport Facility at St. Lawrence Business Park) will be going to Council on Tuesday, February 18 2025. Please see an update on the project and a sketch showing revised site boundaries below.

    In 2023, a developer approached the City to develop a parcel of land at St. Lawrence Business Park (Lot 214) into a multi-use indoor sportsplex with a focus on soccer-related activities.

    Initially, in addition to purchasing Lot 214 the developer’s proposal included two acres of soccer field lands where one of the mid-sized fields and a pathway is located. This disposition and proposal, if implemented, would have resulted in the loss of one-midsized field from the City’s rectangular field inventory to the creation of a privately operated indoor, all-season, full-size field. (As noted below, the site boundaries have now changed and the parcel where the mid-sized field and pathway is located is no longer part of the disposition.)

    Public engagement was conducted in September and October 2024. After further review of the layout plan and exploring alternative development scenarios with the developer and various internal departments, staff and the developer were able to revise the site boundaries. The new lot boundaries consist of Lot 214, and an extension northerly into a strip of land currently used as an emergency access to the John Machin soccer fields. This revised site boundary does not disturb the existing fields or the existing pathway, maintaining both “as-is” and it will also continue to provide emergency access to the soccer fields after development, via an easement in favour of the City.

    The revised site boundaries are shown below and the full report is up on the City website.

    Exhibit A: Sketch showing the Subject Lands. Report Number 25-065. Map with red marks indictating the subject parcel (4.4 acres), blue marks indicating Lot 214 (3.5 acres) and green marks indicating Lot addition to Lot 214 (0.9 acres) - currently used as emergncy access to soccer fields. All boundaries and dimensions are approximate.

  • Notice of intention to declare surplus and dispose of municipal property: Feb. 4

    Pursuant to the City’s Public Notice Policy and the Disposition of Real Property Policy take notice that the council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston intends to declare surplus and dispose of the following municipal property:

    Lands affected: The Corporation of the City of Kingston is the registered owner of the lands. The subject parcel is legally described as Part of Lots 4 & 5 Concession East of the Great Cataraqui River, designated as part of Part 1 on Reference Plan 13R-12775, City of Kingston, County of Frontenac.

    Explanatory note:

    The subject parcel proposed for surplus consists of two City-owned parcels: Lot 214 in the St. Lawrence Business Park and a small parcel north of Lot 214. Civic addressing for the subject parcel to be completed upon disposition.

    Lot 214, approximately 3.5 acre, is part of the City’s employment lands inventory and 0.9 acre north of Lot 214 is currently used as an emergency access to John Machin soccer fields. Total lands for surplus is approximately 4.40 acres. The City wishes to sell the subject parcel while maintaining an easement in favour of the City for an emergency access (fire route) to John Machin soccer fields and for any infrastructure currently existing under the emergency access that services John Machin soccer fields. The easement will be registered upon disposition. Circulation has been provided to all city departments lead to no future needs for municipal purpose, except for securing the aforementioned easement.

    City council will consider a motion to declare the property surplus on Feb. 18, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 216 Ontario St., Kingston.

    Anyone wishing to be heard regarding these matters should contact the clerk’s office or provide written comments before 4:30 p.m., Feb. 17, 2025.

    In the event that the matter is deferred, no further public notice will be given.

    Map illustrating location and size of subject parcel. Caption below reads, "All dimensions and boundaries are approximate.

    Dated at City of Kingston

    This 4th day of February, 2025

    Janet Jaynes, City Clerk

    City of Kingston

  • What we heard

    Why we engaged

    The City sought feedback on the proposed disposition of a two-acre parcel of John Machin Field Park (735 Innovation Drive). It is designated “Open Space” in the Official Plan and currently contains a mid-sized soccer field and pathway, and is part of the business park lands.

    A prospective purchaser is looking to establish an approximately 7,000 square metre all-season (permanent) indoor sports facility on the land. Approximately five acres is required for the development of a building and associated parking; proposed parking would also be available for John Machin soccer field users during the peak outdoor soccer season.

    The goal of this engagement was to inform the public of the plan for disposition of open space and of the indoor sportsplex, and to obtain feedback on the proposed plan. Feedback from this engagement will be reported back to Council for their consideration. The terms of the disposition of the parkland will also be subject to Council approval.

    How we engaged

    The Get Involved Kingston page informed the public of the project details, sharing key points about the proposed development, including background information, identified impacts and a drawing of the site plan.

    Residents were invited to share feedback on the project by using the survey tool. The survey was open for feedback from September 6 until October 3 on Get Involved Kingston.

    An in-person open house was hosted at Kingston East Community Centre on September 18, 2024. More than 65 residents attended to learn more about the project plan. There, they had the opportunity to speak with, and provide feedback to, City staff from various departments including Real Estate, Planning, Parks, and Recreation & Leisure. Representatives from the prospective purchaser were also available to answer questions.

    The drop-in open house and Get Involved Kingston page were promoted to community members in a variety of ways including:

    • Kingston This Week print advertisement
    • Curbex sign placed at entrance of St. Lawrence Business Park
    • Facebook event for Open House
    • Open House event included on City website calendar
    • Get Involved Kingston newsletter
    • Direct emails to interested groups including sports associations and local clubs

    Who we heard from

    • 328 participants submitted comments on Get Involved Kingston, completing comment cards at the open house, or emailing feedback directly to staff
      • Locations (Postal Codes):
        • 76 Southwest Kingston (K7M)
        • 127 Central-East Kingston (K7K)
        • 45 Central-South Kingston (K7L)
        • 56 Northwest Kingston (K7P)
        • 16 Rural Kingston (K0H)
        • 8 Other (K7N, K0E, K7R, K9K, K0K)

    Pie chart visualizing location of respondents

    Figure 1: Postal codes/locations of respondents

    • 2,072 aware participants visited the webpage to learn more about the proposal
    • 99 participants engaged with the City for the first time via Get Involved Kingston

    What we heard

    The following is a summary of responses, themes and a sentiment analysis identified by staff. Staff are reviewing all verbatim text comments, which be included in the report going to Council in January/February 2025.

    Overall, the responses are in favour of the proposed disposition of land and proposed building of an indoor sportsplex. Analysis below has been separated into comments with a sentiment (clearly for or against the proposal), and comments without a sentiment. Furthermore, identified themes are outlined below.

    Sentiment Comments

    Of the 328 total comments submitted, 267 comments showed sentiment (either for or against the proposal).

    71 per cent of comments with sentiment expressed support for the proposal.

    • Supporters often emphasize the need for year-round sports facilities in Kingston, citing benefits like improving athletic development, boosting local tourism and filling the gap left by the closure of the Westbrook dome.
    • Comments favoring the sportsplex also highlight the economic and community benefits of having such a facility.
    • Many respondents also shared considerations and suggestions for the proposed sportsplex.

    29 per cent of comments with sentiment were against the proposal.

    • The main concerns identified in these comments were loss of public green space, increased traffic, noise and potential environmental impacts.
    • Some residents oppose the idea of selling public land to a private developer and express concerns about the affordability and accessibility of the facility.
    • There are also suggestions to prioritize other community needs, such as housing, healthcare or multi-use recreational centers that offer more than just sports

    Pie chart visualizing comment sentiment (those for and those against the proposal)

    Figure 2: Analysis of comments that expressed sentiment

    Non-Sentiment Comments

    Of the 328 submitted comments, 61 comments (16 per cent) were non-sentiment (neither for/against the proposal and were mainly asking questions or providing neutral comments about additional City functions).

    Comment Themes

    Based on the feedback received, comments were categorized by theme. Some comments included multiple themes. The identified themes surrounding the proposed indoor sportsplex in Kingston are:

    • General Support for the Project (94 comments): These comments showed support for the project without highlighting any of the other themes below.
    • Community and Economic Benefits (100 comments): The proposed sportsplex is seen as beneficial for the local economy, potentially attracting tournaments and events that would boost tourism. It’s also viewed as a community hub that could support a range of sports and activities for people of all ages, contributing to health and wellbeing.
    • Suggestions for Facility Amenities (50 comments): Many comments expressed a desire for multi-use facilities, emphasizing that the sportsplex should cater to multiple sports and amenities to serve a wider range of community needs. Suggestions included swimming pools, hockey rinks, lacrosse fields and fitness facilities.
    • Loss of Public Green Space/Environmental Impact (58 comments): Some residents are opposed to the development due to the potential loss of existing public green spaces, including soccer fields that are free and readily available to use by the public. Environmental impacts were also cited as a concern for development in this location.
    • Private Ownership (55 comments): A portion of comments highlighted the sale of public land to a private developer as a point of concern, some were supportive of private ownership and management. Many of these comments included the suggestion to build a public City-run facility instead of a private sportsplex.
    • Neighbourhood Impact (16 comments): There are worries about the potential impact on the surrounding neighbourhood, including increased traffic, noise and light pollution, as well as concerns about how the facility could affect nearby property values.
    • Accessibility and Affordability Concerns (24 comments): There is concern about the sportsplex being developed by a private company, potentially leading to high usage fees that could limit access. Some residents would prefer the facility to be publicly owned, or for there to be guarantees on affordability and accessibility for community members.
    • Alternative Suggestions and Dome Locations (31 comments): Some feedback included suggestions to rebuild or utilize existing facilities, such as the Westbrook dome, or to explore other locations that would minimize disruption to current green spaces.
    • Other (32 comments): A small number of comments commented on the nature of the engagement itself, asked questions, or provided comments outside of the identified themes and categories.

    Bar chart visualizing distribution of comment themes

    Figure 3: Themes identified in comments.

    Next steps

    The results from this public engagement will be considered in a report that will be brought to City Council in January/February 2025.

    If you require information in an alternate format of this engagement report, please call 613-546-0000. We will work with you to understand your specific information and accessibility needs and to provide for them within a reasonable timeframe.

  • Invitation to Open House (September 18)

    Join us at the Kingston East Community Centre (779 Highway 15, Kingston, ON) on Wednesday, September 18 to learn more about a private Indoor Sportsplex development proposed at 735 Innovation Drive.

    Here, you can take time to review the proposed development. City staff from various departments will be available to answer questions, and we invite you to share your feedback and comments on the project.

    This is a drop-in open house from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. Please feel free to join us at any time during that time frame. Light refreshments will be provided.

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 03:31 PM