Residential Rental Licensing

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Consultation has concluded.

Feb. 8 update: Council approved Residential Rental Licensing, as Amended by Administrative Policies Committee on January 24, 2024. Discussion and deliberation preceded the passing of the motion. We encourage participants to watch the Council meeting and read the minutes from the meeting for additional information.

On December 20, 2022, City Council passed a motion directing staff to draft a report that would examine the implementation of a pilot Residential Rental Licensing Program (RRLP), along with other potential regulatory options.

In this iteration of the RRLP, the pilot program is proposed to apply to properties containing 1 to 4 residential rental units on a lot in Sydenham and Kingscourt – Rideau, two districts with a high density of rental properties. These properties constitute the greatest unknown in the City’s rental inventory and, as such, may pose the greatest risk. 

The proposed objectives of an RRLP include:
  • To protect the health and safety of persons residing in rental units
  • To build an inventory of the City’s existing rental housing stock 
  • To achieve these objectives at the lowest cost to all participants 
How will we achieve these objectives?
  • Identifying rental units
  • Examination of safety of rental units

We are seeking feedback from tenants, landlords, property managers, and community members to identify concerns with residential units, as well gather feedback on the potential benefits and limitations of a Residential Rental Licensing Program.

Feb. 8 update: Council approved Residential Rental Licensing, as Amended by Administrative Policies Committee on January 24, 2024. Discussion and deliberation preceded the passing of the motion. We encourage participants to watch the Council meeting and read the minutes from the meeting for additional information.

On December 20, 2022, City Council passed a motion directing staff to draft a report that would examine the implementation of a pilot Residential Rental Licensing Program (RRLP), along with other potential regulatory options.

In this iteration of the RRLP, the pilot program is proposed to apply to properties containing 1 to 4 residential rental units on a lot in Sydenham and Kingscourt – Rideau, two districts with a high density of rental properties. These properties constitute the greatest unknown in the City’s rental inventory and, as such, may pose the greatest risk. 

The proposed objectives of an RRLP include:
  • To protect the health and safety of persons residing in rental units
  • To build an inventory of the City’s existing rental housing stock 
  • To achieve these objectives at the lowest cost to all participants 
How will we achieve these objectives?
  • Identifying rental units
  • Examination of safety of rental units

We are seeking feedback from tenants, landlords, property managers, and community members to identify concerns with residential units, as well gather feedback on the potential benefits and limitations of a Residential Rental Licensing Program.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The following survey asks participants to share their experiences with residential rentals including issues experienced* with residential rental units as well as the perceived benefits and limitations of a residential rental licensing program. By completing the survey, you will receive project updates by email. This survey displays best on the following browsers (desktop and mobile): Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari. 

    This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Results will be used to identify concerns and understand the perceived benefits and limitations of a residential rental licensing program. Participants have the option to enter a draw for a $100 VISA gift card as a thank you for their time. If you’d prefer to complete a paper copy of this survey, please contact

    The survey will close on Dec. 21, 2023.

    *Please note that information disclosed in this survey is for consultation purposes only and any immediate property concerns should be directed to the appropriate channel. Information about how to file a tenant rights application or property standards complaint can be found on 

    Consultation has concluded.

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