Third Crossing Naming

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation and community input has concluded. “Waaban Crossing” was confirmed as the bridge’s proper name at the City Council meeting held on March 22.

In July 2020, City Council committed to naming what is now called ‘the Third Crossing’ in a way that reflects and celebrates the stories and contributions of Indigenous communities in this region, both past and present.

The consultation process on the naming is the responsibility of the City and is being facilitated with the support of First Peoples Group. Step 1 and Step 2 of the naming campaign are complete. You can find out more information about those steps by clicking the images below.

We are currently in Step 3 asking for community input on the shortlist of Indigenous names. Community input will then be brought back to the Indigenous consultation participants and a name will be selected to be brought forward for affirmation through a report to Council.

Consultation and community input has concluded. “Waaban Crossing” was confirmed as the bridge’s proper name at the City Council meeting held on March 22.

In July 2020, City Council committed to naming what is now called ‘the Third Crossing’ in a way that reflects and celebrates the stories and contributions of Indigenous communities in this region, both past and present.

The consultation process on the naming is the responsibility of the City and is being facilitated with the support of First Peoples Group. Step 1 and Step 2 of the naming campaign are complete. You can find out more information about those steps by clicking the images below.

We are currently in Step 3 asking for community input on the shortlist of Indigenous names. Community input will then be brought back to the Indigenous consultation participants and a name will be selected to be brought forward for affirmation through a report to Council.