Phase 2 Start Up Notice
Beginning on Tuesday, April 1, Construction will begin again on Union St., Victoria St., and Earl St. continuing the work that was completed in 2024 along Union St. Collingwood St. and Couper St. Construction is expected to continue until Fall 2025.
As part of the City’s plan to increase storm sewer capacity, the sanitary and stormwater sewers are being separated into separate systems. The existing watermain is also being replaced and upgraded to support the future needs of the neighbourhood. The work involved will include excavating the entire street, which will unfortunately result in some impacts to residents.
These impacts include:
Access: During construction, some street sections will be closed to vehicular traffic, with limited access for local traffic. Pedestrians will still be able to access closed sections.
Service Laterals: New sewer and water laterals for each home or business will be constructed, at no expense to the homeowner, from the main in the street to the property line. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind property owners that the section of the lateral from the property line into the home or business (private property section) is the responsibility of the home or business owner.
Services Disruptions: You can continue to rely on water and sewer services throughout the project. We expect that water services will be interrupted on occasion for a period of no more than 12 hours at a time. Every effort will be made to notify you 48 hours in advance of any such interruption. Additional information will be supplied by our Contractor at those times.
Parking: On-street parking will not be available during closures. Driveway access may temporarily be unavailable for short periods during construction. Parking passes for nearby roads will be issued upon request while driveway access is restricted.
Garbage and Recycling: Collection will continue during closures. Residents will need to write their address on their bins using a permanent marker. On collection day bins must be out by 6 a.m., then contractors will take them to the end of the street for collection and return them by the end of the day.
Tree Removal: Existing trees that are damaged or trees that are in conflict with planned work may be removed during the project. Tree protection measures will be put in place to preserve trees where possible. Once construction is complete, the City’s Forestry division will plant replacement trees in the available space.

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