Ideas - verbatim responses
The below are verbatim responses to the Ideas tool as part of the winter weather-based parking engagement.
What solutions or alternatives would you suggest for managing parking in Kingston during winter weather?
Alternate parking restrictions
Have a weather based parking ban through entire winter - our weather is so variable in Kingston, there is times that it feels unnecessary. To have a ban in place for the entirety of Jan and Feb. I think the pilot was overall successful enough that people would cooperate whenever a ban is in place throughout the winter and they would expect it could become more frequent in Jan and Feb depending on the weather
Overnight parking ban should be weather based the entire winter. Winters are getting increasingly mild, there were many times this Jan / Feb that the overnight parking ban felt completely unnecessary because there was no snow. I am a renter with only one parking space, so when a friend from out of town came to visit we had to drive around from municipal lot to crowded municipal lot, looking for a place that would allow overnight parking. Very inconvenient. The principal behind having a weather-based ban for December and March should apply for all of winter. If it works for December and March, why not January and February also?
Do not go to ban for any extended period.
Weather based Parking. Parking should be allowed on the street when the roads are bare, and no signs of major winter snow fall is in the forecast. Those that live in residential neighbourhoods, that rely on street parking, would benefit from this change. Just look at the past winter, with that lack of snow, residents could have easily parked their vehicles on the street and moved them back when a major snowfall is forecasted.
The survey is a good start but does not provide room for other options or comments. Please enforce only weather- based ban Dec-March. We have some cars park in driveway and some on street. Survey only permits one choice. Survey needs more detail to get true feedback.
Winter Weather-dependent parking should be implemented all winter long.
Definitive not ambiguous. I feel the current pilot project is ambiguous and subjective and leads to confusion and the need to monitor updates of both weather and its impact on parking . Let us keep it consistent with other definitive parking limits/times in the city to avoid confusion for both residents and visitors.
Have parking on one side of street,on certain days …on snow days cars must be moved off streets. No parking Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday,Sunday
The City should adopt a system like Toronto’s, parking on alternate sides of street for first half vs. last half of the month year round. This would allow proper snow clearing and street cleaning year round. At present, the City does a lousy job at both. Snow plows come at all times of the day, not just at night, on most streets so winter snow removal is spotty at best. Street cleaning the rest of the year always misses many sections due to parked cars.
Just copy how it's done in Ottawa. Signs in snowbanks of streets to be cleared that night. On street parking all winter.
Weather-Based Parking - One Side of Street Only, Alternates. When the weather conditions allow, vehicles must park on one side of the street only. Parking on both sides of the street creating congestion even for regular vehicular traffic through the residential complex, let alone when snow plow needs to go through. The side where vehicles to be parked on should be alternated (first half of the month on one side, and second half of the month on the other side OR odd date on the odd house number side and even date on the even house number side). No double sides parking should ever be allowed on any day in the residential complex.
Increased enforcement
Need to have more cars ticketed when they are informed there is no parking.
Improved/additional communication
Text Notifications & Full-Time Weather Dependent Parking Plan. I LOVE the weather dependent parking system and think it should be implemented year round (obviously mainly in the winter, but I'm sure there are summer occasions where it could apply too). My only hesitation with this system is that it may be hard for the broad public to know when they're allowed/not allowed to park on the street. I'd love to see a text system where you receive a text in the evening (5/6pm) when the ban will be applicable that night so it's easier to stay up to date.
Did know of notification of parking ban through email. Perhaps notification can be made similar to this emailed survey?
Promoting alternatives to driving
Alternatives to driving. Consider making public transit more attractive to discourage people from driving downtown, which is most affected by parking issues. This means providing bus routes that reach the far edges of the city and come by frequently. The current routes either don't go far enough into the west end or don't come around frequently enough. What about encouraging Kingstonians to use public transit on Friday nights and weekends, by introducing routes that go far into the west end and come by frequently? There is an assumption that if you have a car you should drive everywhere you go. The city should make public transit attractive to people who have the option to drive, to reduce traffic downtown and encourage greener transit options. While it can be hard to justify investing in transit when ridership is low, making public transit more accessible and attractive can increase interest in public transit.
This engagement has concluded. Council voted to implement the Winter Weather-Based Winter Parking Bylaw on Oct. 1, 2024.