Public Engagement Charter
The City's Public Engagement Charter was created with input by the community, staff and Council, and adopted by Council in 2017.
This charter represents the City’s commitment to that priority and reinforces the priority of the fundamental concepts outlined in the public engagement framework, including the roles and responsibilities for residents, council and City employees, key principles and techniques. The City of Kingston is committed to following The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) as a recognized standard for public engagement. The levels of engagement are outlined in the public engagement framework.
The involvement of Kingston residents in the City’s decision-making process is vital to democracy.
Public engagement encourages participation, actions and personal responsibility. The goal of public engagement is more informed and, therefore, better City decisionmaking. Trust and confidence in the City of Kingston increases when residents are engaged in decision-making that impacts them. Opportunities need to be created for discussions, problem-solving and planning for the City of Kingston’s growth.
Successful public engagement requires meaningful interaction and dialogue between all participants. Securing the mutual respect of all participants, including residents, City employees and members of council will ensure the success of public engagement. The City will utilize technology to play a crucial role in the techniques used to engage. There is no single form of engagement that will meet the needs of all. As technology changes, adjustments will be made to ensure the City is providing residents with enhanced tools to make them aware of engagement opportunities, have a voice and to bring new ideas forward.
Respect is exemplified by:
- Listening with an open mind;
- Showing consideration for another point of view;
- Valuing the role each person plays in the public engagement process.
Together, the City of Kingston’s residents, council and City employees will improve public engagement and enhance the City.