Setting realistic expectations

The framework does not replace any existing laws, but supports City employees in meeting and, where appropriate, exceeding legal requirements. Expectations include:

  • identifying timelines for the whole project;
  • making all background information available as early as possible in the process; and
  • identifying how input will be received and used to make a recommendation and/or decision.

Please note:

The City will inform the public when it performs maintenance activities at various public locations for health and safety reasons.

Planning and heritage applications have their own prescribed and separate legislative processes with specific time frames outlined in the Planning Act and the Ontario Heritage Act; therefore, they are not subject to this framework. However, all planning and heritage projects that are not legislated are subject to this framework.

While the City will endeavour to ensure that all residents’ feedback is taken into consideration through public engagement, it is not possible to satisfy the opinion of every participant in final recommendations and/or decisions
