Notice of public open house
Community members are invited to a Public Open House at St. Luke’s Anglican Church (236 Nelson St.) on Oct. 26. The event is a drop-in style open house and community members may come by anytime between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
This open house is being hosted to present additional information based on the community engagement completed in the spring. It is particularly focused on the transportation priorities and concepts along Princess Street, between Division and Concession Street, also known as Williamsville Mainstreet.
Community members can learn about the study’s analysis completed to date, view the concepts that have been developed and ask questions of technical experts. Staff from the City of Kingston will also be seeking feedback on how to improve neighbourhood bike routes in the Williamsville area.
Feedback received during the open house will be used in the study process to refine options for the community to consider. In January a first draft report on transportation options, including the feedback received through the study, will be released for more public comment. That feedback will be used to further refine the report before it goes to City Council and committee in February 2024.
In the spring of 2023, the City of Kingston began the second phase of a transportation study of Princess Street through Williamsville. The area around Williamsville is growing and great care needs to be taken to plan for the future of transportation along Princess Street to ensure it meets the needs of the community.
Princess Street is currently a very significant route for pedestrians, personal and commercial motor vehicles, transit (including express service) and cyclists. However, the width of the street is fixed and that makes it a challenge to prioritize all modes of travel on that street. This study seeks to identify the options for transportation planning to support growth in the neighbourhood and community well-being.
For more details, background and history on the Williamsville Transportation study visit the City’s of Kingston’s public engagement hub, Get Involved Kingston. We are also seeking feedback on Green Streets in Williamsville, learn more and let us know what you think.
Consultation has concluded and the engagement reports are available to read.