Wright Crescent Parkette is a small park located at the southeast corner of 27 Wright Crescent on Kingston & Frontenac Housing Corporation lands. The proposed park and playground were a Council approved condition of development of the former 7 Wright Crescent lands.
Consultation on the design of the parkette and playground commenced on Nov.16, 2022, with an in person open house at Calvin Park Public Library and from Nov. 16 to Dec. 7, feedback on two parkette designs and two playground designs were collected in an online survey. Feedback was provided by 38 participants by means of emails, in person and through the online survey.
Feedback highlights
- When asked to rank the playground design preference, most respondents preferred Option 2.
- There was not a clear preference on the park layout, but many stated that trees, other forms of vegetation and shade are important.
- Concerns raised include lack of privacy from abutting residents and impact of children adjacent to a potentially higher traffic volume driveway.
- If budget and site area permit, suggested considering additional accessible play equipment, spring toys, monkey bars and the aesthetic design of the chain-link fence.
- There were conflicting questions and comments about the need for a larger park in the area and whether a park is needed in the area considering its location near seniors' housing.
- The public consultation and decision on the location and size of the park were done as part of the original divestiture process for the lands.
Park design options ranked during the public consultation
Option 1

Option 1 included:
• Spring toy, a 6-foot free-standing slide, swivel seat and an accessible panel
Option 2

Option 2 included:
• Play structure that includes two parallel slides, two climber options, a play counter and rotating wheel