168 Division Street Mural

Thank you for your feedback! Public engagement on this project has concluded. Please see the Engagement Summary tab for what we heard during consultation. Stay up to date on all City initiatives by signing up to received our news releases at CityofKingston.ca/Subscribe

The City of Kingston is working with Highpoint Developments on the creation of an exterior large-scale mural on a new residential development at 168 Division Street. A mural was identified as a community benefit through Section 37 of the Planning Act that permits the City to authorize increases in permitted height and/or density through the zoning bylaw for new developments in return for community benefits. This is the first public art community benefit project for the City of Kingston, supported by the Public Art Program.

The building and the site of the mural is located near the intersection of Princess and Division Street, also known as “the Hub.”

The mural aligns with an initiative called The Hub Project that brings public art to the area of Princess and Division Streets, as a gateway to downtown Kingston and nexus for multiple neighbourhoods. Extensive public engagement for The Hub Project was completed to scope the types and themes of public art for the area and to provide input and feedback on public art being developed, and a permanent artwork was recently installed.

For the 168 Division Street Mural, the City of Kingston is supporting the artist selection and process in alignment with its Public Art Policy. Highpoint Developments is funding the project and will own and maintain the mural once installed. Through an invited call for submissions, two Ontario-based professional mural artists were shortlisted by a jury to submit proposals for the project.  

See the Artists' proposals for the proposed murals and concept statements.

Have your say

  • Complete the artist feedback survey below by 4 p.m. on July 4.
  • Request a copy of the survey by calling 613-546-0000. (A postage-paid envelope to return the survey will be included).
  • Complete the survey by phone with City staff by calling 613-546-0000.

The City of Kingston is working with Highpoint Developments on the creation of an exterior large-scale mural on a new residential development at 168 Division Street. A mural was identified as a community benefit through Section 37 of the Planning Act that permits the City to authorize increases in permitted height and/or density through the zoning bylaw for new developments in return for community benefits. This is the first public art community benefit project for the City of Kingston, supported by the Public Art Program.

The building and the site of the mural is located near the intersection of Princess and Division Street, also known as “the Hub.”

The mural aligns with an initiative called The Hub Project that brings public art to the area of Princess and Division Streets, as a gateway to downtown Kingston and nexus for multiple neighbourhoods. Extensive public engagement for The Hub Project was completed to scope the types and themes of public art for the area and to provide input and feedback on public art being developed, and a permanent artwork was recently installed.

For the 168 Division Street Mural, the City of Kingston is supporting the artist selection and process in alignment with its Public Art Policy. Highpoint Developments is funding the project and will own and maintain the mural once installed. Through an invited call for submissions, two Ontario-based professional mural artists were shortlisted by a jury to submit proposals for the project.  

See the Artists' proposals for the proposed murals and concept statements.

Have your say

  • Complete the artist feedback survey below by 4 p.m. on July 4.
  • Request a copy of the survey by calling 613-546-0000. (A postage-paid envelope to return the survey will be included).
  • Complete the survey by phone with City staff by calling 613-546-0000.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Feedback received through public engagement will be shared with the shortlisted artists for their review and consideration before they submit their final proposals in mid-July.

    Public engagement closes Monday, July 4 at 4 p.m.

    Thank you for your feedback! Public engagement on this project has concluded. Please see the Engagement Summary tab for what we heard during consultation. Stay up to date on all City initiatives by signing up to received our news releases at CityofKingston.ca/Subscribe