Project announcement news release

City to begin Aberdeen Street reconstruction to upgrade infrastructure and enhance pedestrian safety

KINGSTON, ONT. / June 6, 2024

Kingston’s University District will see construction this summer to support housing growth in the area with a complete reconstruction of Aberdeen Street planned to begin in July and wrap up later this fall.

“Kingston is working to support housing growth in the City and to improve pedestrian safety,” said Melanie Knowles, Project Manager. “This reconstruction is an opportunity to do both those things while also rehabilitating an iconic Kingston street.”

Upgrades to the watermain system will take place first. Once work on the underground pipes is completed the street will be rebuilt with improved pedestrian access and safety including a boulevard separated from the roadway.

During construction, Aberdeen Street will be fully closed to vehicles with no-street parking. Pedestrians will still be able to access buildings on Aberdeen Street. Garbage and recycling collection will continue with some slight alterations. William Street will remain open through construction.

Visit Get Involved Kingston for full details, construction impacts and garbage and recycling collection information.
