Cataraqui Woods Drive Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

A section of a map showing the future extension as a dashed green line A section of a map showing the future extension as a dashed green line

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is underway for a proposed extension of Cataraqui Woods Drive eastward to create a connection with the future extension of Old Mill Road and the Purdy’s Mill subdivision.

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is a process mandated by the Government of Ontario for large infrastructure projects.

Project Scope

Purdy’s Mill Subdivision, located off Old Mill Road, is a developing area with a mix of residential proposed and approved, including single family homes and apartments. As it grows it requires road access. Connecting Old Mill Road and Cataraqui Woods Drive is needed to support this growth with a secondary connection.


The City has retained R.V. Anderson Consulting to complete this assessment. They will develop four options that present different alignment options as well intersection control options, they will also include options for additional pedestrian connectivity and future road connections to the north and south.

Once those options have been identified and developed they will be presented to the public for feedback on Get Involved Kingston and through an in-person public information session (date, time and location to be determined).

Options will also be evaluated along with a number of supporting studies including ecological, geotechnical, species at risk, hydrogeological, hydraulic, and archeological.

Using the information from the assessment process, public feedback and the completed studies and informed decision will be made.

Get Involved

  • Sign up for updates using the follow project option on this page, this ensures you’ll receive an update as this process progresses.
  • A public information session will be scheduled to review options and allow feedback. Once details are confirmed they will be posted here, mailed to nearby neighbours and emailed to the project followers.
  • Submit your comment by reaching out to the project lead listed in the “Who’s Listening” section on this page.

A section of a map showing the future extension as a dashed green line A section of a map showing the future extension as a dashed green line

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is underway for a proposed extension of Cataraqui Woods Drive eastward to create a connection with the future extension of Old Mill Road and the Purdy’s Mill subdivision.

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is a process mandated by the Government of Ontario for large infrastructure projects.

Project Scope

Purdy’s Mill Subdivision, located off Old Mill Road, is a developing area with a mix of residential proposed and approved, including single family homes and apartments. As it grows it requires road access. Connecting Old Mill Road and Cataraqui Woods Drive is needed to support this growth with a secondary connection.


The City has retained R.V. Anderson Consulting to complete this assessment. They will develop four options that present different alignment options as well intersection control options, they will also include options for additional pedestrian connectivity and future road connections to the north and south.

Once those options have been identified and developed they will be presented to the public for feedback on Get Involved Kingston and through an in-person public information session (date, time and location to be determined).

Options will also be evaluated along with a number of supporting studies including ecological, geotechnical, species at risk, hydrogeological, hydraulic, and archeological.

Using the information from the assessment process, public feedback and the completed studies and informed decision will be made.

Get Involved

  • Sign up for updates using the follow project option on this page, this ensures you’ll receive an update as this process progresses.
  • A public information session will be scheduled to review options and allow feedback. Once details are confirmed they will be posted here, mailed to nearby neighbours and emailed to the project followers.
  • Submit your comment by reaching out to the project lead listed in the “Who’s Listening” section on this page.
  • Notice of Study Commencement

    supporting image

    The Study

    The City of Kingston has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the extension of Cataraqui Woods Drive from Sydenham Road to approximately 600m east of Sydenham Road. The extension of Cataraqui Woods Drive was identified in the 2019 Development Charges Background Study and is anticipated to support expansion of the Purdy’s Mill Neighbourhood and provide access to other developable lands in the area.

    The following are key objectives of this study:

    • Develop up to four road alignment alternatives (inclusive of a Do-Nothing option) and recommend an optimal alignment option that limits impact to the surrounding area with a feasible connection southerly to Old Mill Road.
    • Determine the appropriate intersection control, including a roundabout option at the east end of the proposed extension of Cataraqui Woods Drive.
    • Incorporate active transportation facilities along the corridor for pedestrian and cycling uses that can be extended to future road expansions.
    • Develop potential funding opportunities to support the implementation of the recommended alignment.

    About the Process

    This notice signals the commencement of the Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA), which will define the project, identify and evaluate alternative solutions, and determine a preferred alternative solution in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities, and technical agencies. Any potential impacts of the proposed alternatives on social, cultural, economic, and natural environments will be evaluated and assessed during the Class EA Study. Study area is shown on a map provided on next page.

    The project is being completed as a Schedule “B” project in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2024), however, this will be confirmed during the study proceedings.

    Upon completion of this study, a Project File Report documenting the process will be submitted to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks and made available for public review for a minimum period of 30 calendar days.

    Public Consultation

    During the course of the study, the project team will consult with interested parties, Indigenous communities, and the public to receive comments on the project, alternative solutions, and the preferred alignment for the extension of Cataraqui Woods Drive.

    Those interested in this study are invited to participate by:

    Visiting the study website on or at the QR code.

    • Subscribing to the study mailing list through the project contacts to receive notices of future consultation opportunities.
    • Attending a future Public Information Centre (PIC), with more details about future information meetings to be provided closer to the date.
    • Providing comments online through the study website at or submitting them by email directly to the project contacts.

    All comments received through the course of the study will be considered and documented in the Environmental Study Report as part of the public record.

    A map of the study area showing the location of a water pond on the east side the location of a future road and hydro lines.Study Area Map

    Study Contacts

    Garret Hoegi, Manager of Development Engineering Planning Services
    City of Kingston
    Tel: 613-546-4291 ext. 3294

    Altaf Hussain, P.Eng,
    Consultant Project Manager
    R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
    Tel: 289 348 1234 ext. 4516

    This notice first issued on February 28, 2025.

Page last updated: 10 Mar 2025, 01:54 PM