Collins Bay and Princess Active Transportation Upgrades
New sidewalks are planned along the east side of Collins Bay Road between Woodbine Road and Princess Street, as well as along the south side of Princess Street between Collins Bay Road and Lisa Street, and on the north side of Princess Street between Rosanna Avenue and Bayridge Drive. The project will also extend the existing on-road bike lanes on Collins Bay Road from Woodbine Avenue to Princess Street. This project will help to fill in gaps in the City’s current sidewalk and cycling networks, as identified in our Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) and Five-Year Implementation Plan (ATIP).
Additionally, improved pedestrian connections will be introduced through the construction of new traffic signals at the Princess Street and Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street intersection, and a signalized pedestrian crossing at Collins Bay Road and Humberside Drive.
As part of the design process, we are sharing information with community members on the scope of work that’s planned, the planned location of the sidewalks, and asking for input on where benches and rest areas could be located along the street. Other comments and suggestions on the project scope will be considered in finalizing the design of the improvements.
The map below highlights the extent of the work planned as part of this project.
Map Legend:
Red = New/planned sidewalks
Blue = New/planned bike lanes
Dark Grey = Existing sidewalks
Purple = Existing Multiuse path
We anticipate the project will be constructed in phases, with construction scheduled to commence in 2023 and be completed in 2024.
New sidewalks are planned along the east side of Collins Bay Road between Woodbine Road and Princess Street, as well as along the south side of Princess Street between Collins Bay Road and Lisa Street, and on the north side of Princess Street between Rosanna Avenue and Bayridge Drive. The project will also extend the existing on-road bike lanes on Collins Bay Road from Woodbine Avenue to Princess Street. This project will help to fill in gaps in the City’s current sidewalk and cycling networks, as identified in our Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) and Five-Year Implementation Plan (ATIP).
Additionally, improved pedestrian connections will be introduced through the construction of new traffic signals at the Princess Street and Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street intersection, and a signalized pedestrian crossing at Collins Bay Road and Humberside Drive.
As part of the design process, we are sharing information with community members on the scope of work that’s planned, the planned location of the sidewalks, and asking for input on where benches and rest areas could be located along the street. Other comments and suggestions on the project scope will be considered in finalizing the design of the improvements.
The map below highlights the extent of the work planned as part of this project.
Map Legend:
Red = New/planned sidewalks
Blue = New/planned bike lanes
Dark Grey = Existing sidewalks
Purple = Existing Multiuse path
We anticipate the project will be constructed in phases, with construction scheduled to commence in 2023 and be completed in 2024.
Engagement Summary
As part of the City’s ongoing efforts to make it easier to get around Kingston through active modes of transportation and improved pedestrian safety, a new sidewalk is being constructed along the east side of Collins Bay Road between Woodbine Road and Princess Street, as well as along the south side of Princess Street between Collins Bay Road and Lisa Street, and on the north side of Princess Street between Rosanna Avenue and Bayridge Drive.
Additionally, improved pedestrian connections will be introduced through the construction of new traffic signals at the Princess Street and Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street intersection, and a signalized pedestrian crossing at Collins Bay Road and Humberside Drive.
Community input was collected through the City’s online Get Involved Kingston platform from March 1, 2023 to March 22, 2023; this input has informed the locations for benches to be placed along the Collins Bay Road and Princess Street sidewalks as part of the upcoming sidewalk construction.
Summary of Feedback and Responses
During the engagement, 828 visitors viewed the Get Involved Kingston project page. Through the interactive map there were 5 pins dropped to mark locations they would like to see future rest areas, an additional 51 pins were dropped to provide feedback on the project. Additionally, several residents emailed the project manager directly to offer feedback.
The map below depicts the rest area locations selected by participants that were considered by staff.
Figure 1: Map of interactive pins for rest areas
Participants noted a desire for benches to be placed roughly midway between intersections. The proposed locations will be reviewed taking into consideration AODA requirements and existing constraints within the right of way to determine the best placements.
The City also received comments and questions regarding the proposed design and scope of work. A summary of these comments and questions, and additional information from the project team are included below.
Sidewalk locations - why the sidewalk is being constructed on one side of the road and alternates which side of the road
The sidewalk is planned to provide separation for pedestrians from the vehicle traffic along Collins Bay Road and Princess Street. The City’s Active Transportation Implementation Plan (ATIP) identified gaps in the active transportation network, and identified for new sidewalk to be built on one side of the road on Collins Bay Road between Woodbine Road and Princess Street, and on Princess Street between Rosanna Avenue and Bayridge Drive, which is the scope of work being designed and constructed currently. As part of this project we are also extending the sidewalk along Princess Street to Collins Bay Road to fill in the gap between Collins Bay Road and Rosanna Avenue.
The sidewalk on Princess Street will be built on the south side of the road between Collins Bay Road and Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street in order to provide pedestrian access into Woodbine Park. We are installing traffic signals at Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street, which will provide a safe crossing location for pedestrians. The sidewalk will be built on the north side of Princess Street between Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street and Bayridge Drive to provide a connection to the Woodhaven subdivision, to provide direct access to new transit stops which will be constructed along the north side of Princess Street as part of this project, and to connect to the existing sidewalk on the north side of the road just west of Bayridge Drive along 2880 Princess Street.
Sidewalk placement in the boulevard/against the road
The sidewalks will be along the roadside in some sections due to existing constraints in the boulevard areas that do not allow sufficient space to install the sidewalk further back (e.g. ditching, utility poles, trees). The sidewalks are designed to provide separation for pedestrians from the vehicle traffic, and will be built with separation by a full height curb where adjacent to the roadway.
Can the bike lanes be buffered or constructed off-road
On road bike lanes were identified in the Active Transportation Implementation Plan (ATIP) on Collins Bay Road between Bath Road and Princess Street. Separated and buffered bike lanes were considered however were determined to be beyond the scope for the project and relative to existing constraints in the boulevard in this area. The new on-road bike lanes along Collins Bay Road will be constructed to a minimum width of 1.5m and include signage and line painting to delineate them. The existing on-road bike lanes on Princess Street between Collins Bay Road and Bayridge Drive will also be formalized with line painting and signage as part of this project.
The information that was provided makes it look like the bike lanes on Collins Bay Road do not connect to any existing bicycle infrastructure.
The City’s project map was only showing the section of Collins Bay Road where the road is to be widened to accommodate the new bike lanes. There are existing bike lanes and paved shoulders on Collins Bay Road between Bath Road and Woodbine Road, an existing multi-use path and on road bike lanes on Cataraqui Woods Drive, and existing paved shoulders on Princess Street. As part of this project we will be adding bike lane symbols and signage to the rest of the existing on-road bike lanes on Collins Bay Road between Taylor Kidd Boulevard and Princess Street, and on Princess Street between Collins Bay Road and Bayridge Drive. Users on the Princess Street bike lanes will also be able to connect to the proposed multi-use pathway on Bayridge Drive which is being planned and constructed under a separate project starting in 2023 as well.
The intersections at Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street, Woodhaven Drive and Holden Street need to be made pedestrian safe.
Princess Street and Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street – This project includes the construction of a fully signalized intersection at Princess Street and Rosanna Avenue/Lisa Street. The intersection will include accessible pedestrian crossings for all four legs of the intersection.
Princess Street and Woodhaven Drive – This intersection will include upgraded pedestrian ramps and pedestrian push buttons at the existing traffic signals.
Princess Street and Holden Street – Traffic signals are not currently warranted at this location, however the City will continue to monitor this. The City will be constructing some of the underground infrastructure as part of the sidewalk project through this area to accommodate future traffic signals at this location when they are warranted/planned.
A pedestrian crossing should be constructed on Woodbine.
In June 2022, Council approved a report to install 31 new pedestrian crossings throughout the City. One of the locations is on Woodbine Road at Katharine Crescent. A pedestrian crossover (PXO) type B is going to be constructed at this location as part of this project.
Supplementary Feedback
The City also received feedback on items which were determined to be out of scope for this particular project. A summary of those themes and responses are included below.
Provide a traffic signal or roundabout at the intersection of Collins Bay Road and Woodbine Road
The intersection of Collins Bay Road and Woodbine Road does not currently meet the warrant to construct traffic control devices (traffic signals or a roundabout). The installation of traffic signals or larger changes to this intersection would require a significant amount of roadwork, which is not within the scope of this project and is not planned at this time. If a roundabout were to be considered in the future, this would need to be studied for available area/property constraints relative to the geometry of the intersection. A four way flashing beacon is being included in this project to bring attention to the presence of an intersection at this location.
Modify the westbound merge lane at Bayridge Drive, either removing or lengthening it.
Changes to the lane configurations at the intersection of Princess Street and Bayridge Drive would entail extensive construction at this intersection, and would require a broader traffic study, which are beyond the scope of this project. There are no current plans to complete this work, but we have made note of the input received at this location.
Construct sidewalks along the north side of Woodbine Road.
Constructing sidewalk on Woodbine Road was outside of the scope of this project. There are no plans to construct additional sidewalk along the north side of Woodbine Road at this time.
Next steps
The City has reviewed the feedback received to finalize the locations for rest areas as part of the final design of the sidewalk. The project has been issued for tender with construction starting in Summer 2023.
Who's Listening
Project Manager
Manager, Transportation Infrastructure
Key Dates
March 01 2023
March 22 2023
Project Timeline
Summer/Fall 2022 - Initial Design
Collins Bay and Princess Active Transportation Upgrades has finished this stageThe initial design is completed.
Winter 2023 - Public Engagement on Proposed Design
Collins Bay and Princess Active Transportation Upgrades has finished this stageCollect input on rest areas and additional feedback.
Spring 2023 - Finalize Design
Collins Bay and Princess Active Transportation Upgrades has finished this stage -
Summer 2023 - Construction commences
Collins Bay and Princess Active Transportation Upgrades is currently at this stageProject construction begins.
Notice of Collection
All information received will be compiled and considered by staff for use under the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments made on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.