Westbrook Park engagement summary - final conceptual design
In February/March 2024, the City presented the final conceptual design for the Westbrook Park expansion. This was a follow-up consultation and incorporated revisions to the park design based on feedback from the project’s summer 2023 public engagement session.
The revised conceptual design includes a playground (located toward the north end of the woodlot, in view of the parking lot, baseball diamond, soccer field and Remington Avenue), pathways, an open play lawn, seating and tree planting. Play equipment was selected during earlier engagement sessions.
An online survey, posted on Kingston’s Get Involved platform, encouraged residents to provide feedback on the proposed final conceptual design. Approximately 80 respondents provided comments via the survey and email. Most respondents approved the updated plan as presented.
Westbrook Park expansion - final conceptual design
Playground equipment, as shown, was selected previously as part of the initial engagement session. The equipment includes a play structure with a slide, climber, activity panel and stepping pods, a swing set and a spring toy.
Play equipment
Play structure with slide, climber, activity panel and stepping pods.
Swings (with strap, baby and accessible seats).
Cow spring toy.
Residents also provided suggestions and comments, including:
- ‘Perfect!’
- ‘Looks great’
- Like the pathways and the playground location
- Like the play equipment selection
- Please don’t remove any trees and add more native trees
- Please add more picnic tables and benches
- Would like to see a community garden included
- Would like a bigger play structure
- ‘Great improvement over previous designs’
- ‘Would like to see a pathway connection to Leyton Avenue’
- ‘Please pave the entry road to the parking lot’
- Not enough equipment or activities for older children
Westbrook Park design includes two new benches located at the playground and will retain the existing picnic table and benches in the park. The playground equipment selection was made earlier in the process and is scaled to suit the approved budget. Sportsfield activities will be retained as part of the park and will be available to the community.
Trees in the park will be retained and new plantings added to increase shade opportunities and tree canopy cover. Invasive undergrowth plants close to the proposed playground location will be removed to promote views.
A community garden could be considered for future inclusion in the park. For further information, please visit the City's community gardens page.
A pathway connection to Leyton Avenue could be considered for future implementation. The parking lot access is outside the current scope of work, and driveway improvements were not budgeted as part of this project.
We also heard that some residents are interested in seeing a splash pad in the design. Westbrook Park expansion will not support the inclusion of a splash pad. Splash pads are considered when designing community parks in locations specified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, linked below. A new splash pad is planned for Cataraqui West Community Park located east of Westbrook in the Woodhaven subdivision.
Additional links:
Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Information about the Cataraqui West Community Park project can be found on the City's Parks and Shoreline projects page.
Previous public engagement feedback for Creekside Valley Park can be found on the Get Involved Kingston project page.

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