Creekside Valley Park and Westbrook Park Expansion

A graphic showing two people playing on playground equipment, using the ladder and a slide.

We’re building two new parks in Westbrook on Creekside Valley Rd. and Remington Ave. Each new park will feature a playground, pathways, seating and landscaping.

Get involved!

Share your input on the latest Westbrook Park Expansion design and check out the final design for Creekside Valley Park.

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A graphic showing two people playing on playground equipment, using the ladder and a slide.

We’re building two new parks in Westbrook on Creekside Valley Rd. and Remington Ave. Each new park will feature a playground, pathways, seating and landscaping.

Get involved!

Share your input on the latest Westbrook Park Expansion design and check out the final design for Creekside Valley Park.

Get caught up

  • Westbrook Park engagement summary - final conceptual design

    In February/March 2024, the City presented the final conceptual design for the Westbrook Park expansion. This was a follow-up consultation and incorporated revisions to the park design based on feedback from the project’s summer 2023 public engagement session.

    The revised conceptual design includes a playground (located toward the north end of the woodlot, in view of the parking lot, baseball diamond, soccer field and Remington Avenue), pathways, an open play lawn, seating and tree planting. Play equipment was selected during earlier engagement sessions.

    An online survey, posted on Kingston’s Get Involved platform, encouraged residents to provide feedback on the proposed final conceptual design. Approximately 80 respondents provided comments via the survey and email. Most respondents approved the updated plan as presented.

    Westbrook Park expansion - final conceptual design

    Final playground layout including existing soccer field alignment and soccer field shift to accommodate path and playground, open play lawn, revised playground location, existing woodlot, proposed pathways and existing parking lot.

    Playground equipment, as shown, was selected previously as part of the initial engagement session. The equipment includes a play structure with a slide, climber, activity panel and stepping pods, a swing set and a spring toy.

    Play equipment

    Playground structure with a blue slide, climber, activity panel and stepping pods.

    Play structure with slide, climber, activity panel and stepping pods.

    Swing set with straps, baby and accessible seats.

    Swings (with strap, baby and accessible seats).

    Cow spring toy on a wood chip surface.

    Cow spring toy.

    Residents also provided suggestions and comments, including:

    • ‘Perfect!’
    • ‘Looks great’
    • Like the pathways and the playground location
    • Like the play equipment selection
    • Please don’t remove any trees and add more native trees
    • Please add more picnic tables and benches
    • Would like to see a community garden included
    • Would like a bigger play structure
    • ‘Great improvement over previous designs’
    • ‘Would like to see a pathway connection to Leyton Avenue’
    • ‘Please pave the entry road to the parking lot’
    • Not enough equipment or activities for older children

    Westbrook Park design includes two new benches located at the playground and will retain the existing picnic table and benches in the park. The playground equipment selection was made earlier in the process and is scaled to suit the approved budget. Sportsfield activities will be retained as part of the park and will be available to the community.

    Trees in the park will be retained and new plantings added to increase shade opportunities and tree canopy cover. Invasive undergrowth plants close to the proposed playground location will be removed to promote views.

    A community garden could be considered for future inclusion in the park. For further information, please visit the City's community gardens page.

    A pathway connection to Leyton Avenue could be considered for future implementation. The parking lot access is outside the current scope of work, and driveway improvements were not budgeted as part of this project.

    We also heard that some residents are interested in seeing a splash pad in the design. Westbrook Park expansion will not support the inclusion of a splash pad. Splash pads are considered when designing community parks in locations specified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, linked below. A new splash pad is planned for Cataraqui West Community Park located east of Westbrook in the Woodhaven subdivision.

    Additional links:

    Parks and Recreation Master Plan

    Information about the Cataraqui West Community Park project can be found on the City's Parks and Shoreline projects page.

    Previous public engagement feedback for Creekside Valley Park can be found on the Get Involved Kingston project page.

  • Westbrook Park expansion final design

    In summer 2023, the second public engagement for the Westbrook Park expansion was held to present the revised park designs. This follow-up consultation incorporated revisions to the park design based on feedback from the project's initial public engagement session.

    During the second engagement, we heard:

    • Move Version 1 playground further from Remington Ave.
    • Playground should be visible from the sports fields and the parking lot
    • Include pathway through new park land to Remington from existing parking lot
    • Include pathway through woodlot
    • Don't remove trees. Plant more trees
    • Provide four swings
    • Provide inclusive play elements

    Based on your feedback, we refined the park design to include a revised location for the playground, pathways through the park and the woodlot, an open play lawn, and repositioned the soccer field to better accommodate the path and playground. The playground features accessible elements including a transfer platform, step deck, slides, interactive ground play elements and panels, and an adaptive swing.

    Final park layout

    Rendering of final park layout showing proposed soccer field alignment, existing soccer field alignmet, open play lawn, final playground location, existing woodlot, proposed pathways and the existing parking lot.

    Close-up of playground

    Close-up rendering of the playground showing benches, the pathway and view corridors to Remington Avenue and the ball diamond/parking lot.

    Playground equipment

    The following play structure, swings and spring toy were selected as the preferred playground equipment.

    Play structure

    Climber includes a junior climber with an accessible platform, slide, stepping stools, climbing wall and interactive play panels.


    A swingset with options for different ages.

    Spring toy

    A spring toy with cow artwork in a park.

  • Creekside Valley Park engagement summary - summer 2023

    Engagement Summary

    In August 2023, the second public engagement for the Creekside Parks was held to present the revised park design for Creekside Valley Park. This was a followup consultation and incorporated revisions to the park design based on feedback from the project’s initial April public engagement sessions.

    The revised park concept, showcased in August, included a semi-circular playground, with preferred playground equipment, a basketball half-court, seating areas with benches, a picnic table, a looped walking path and landscaping (Summer 2023, Updated Park Designs, pages 1 and 2). An online survey was posted on Kingston’s Get Involved platform, and residents were encouraged to complete the survey and provide comments on the proposed design. Feedback was collected from approximately 100 respondents from the second survey, emails and the Zoom webinar.

    Most respondents approved the updated plan as presented.

    Creekside Valley Park - Final Conceptual Design

    Creekside Valley Park preferred park layout option. Park features include a junior/senior playground, a half-court basketball area, seating, bicycle racks, a picnic table, an open play area and landscaping.Creekside Valley Park - Final Design

    Playground equipment

    Playground equipment, as presented, was selected previously as part of the initial engagement session. The equipment includes a play structure with slides, climber and stepping pods, a swing set, and a rotating spinner. Small additional elements could include a spring rider, spinning bucket or gear panel.

    Junior/Senior climber structure with two slides, platform play opportunities, monkey bars, climbers and various play panels. Play structure with slides, climber and stepping pods

    Climber is a mini-rotating climber.Rotating spinner

    Creekside Valley Park Double Bay swing set with 4 swings.Swings (with strap, baby and accessible seats)

    Respondents also provided suggestions and comments, including:

    • ‘Love it!’
    • ‘Looks great, happy you added the basketball court to the design’
    • ‘... include inclusive play elements’
    • ‘I like the looping pathway’
    • ‘Excellent choices, thanks for adding an accessible picnic table’
    • ‘… please add more trees and benches’
    • ‘… plant native plants to support biodiversity’

    Creekside Valley Park design includes 4 benches located in 3 seating areas along the pathway and across from the playground. The accessible play elements include transfer platforms, slides, ground-accessible play panels, an accessible spinner, and swings with an accessible seat.

    Additional trees were added to the design increase shade opportunities for park users and to increase tree canopy cover in the park. Tree species selection will be included as part of the detailed design process and will focus on species diversity and native tree species best suited to the environmental conditions and proposed park maintenance.

    We also heard that some residents are interested in seeing a splash pad and/or a dog park in the design. Neither of the new park sites will support the inclusion of a dog park, or a splash pad.

    Off-leash dog policy

    Site selection for new leash-free dog parks is governed by the Off-Leash Dog Area Policy. A potential dog park site is dependent upon park size and proximity to other park amenities, residences and areas of natural habitat.

    Parks and Recreation Master Plan

    Splashpads are considered when designing community parks in locations specified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Splash pads are not located in neighbourhood parks. A new splash pad is planned for the Cataraqui West Community Park located east of Westbrook in the Woodhaven subdivision.

  • Engagement Summary

    On April 26, the City introduced conceptual design options for both parks at a public open house, and later the same day in a virtual Zoom webinar. An online survey was posted on Kingston’s Get Involved platform and participants were encouraged to complete the survey and provide comments on the proposed park options. Feedback was collected from approximately 40 respondents via the online survey and email.

    Input from the public engagement was compiled in an engagement summary and used to update the park designs. Review the updated park designs and join us at a second public engagement to learn more, ask questions and share your feedback:

    • RSVP to join us for an online engagement session on Aug. 9 from 6 - 7 p.m.
    • Drop in at Westbrook Park on Aug. 10 between 2 and 5 p.m.

  • Creekside Valley Park - Design Concepts

    Two park projects are planned for the Creekside Valley subdivision in Westbrook!

    Creekside Valley Park is located at Creekside Valley Rd. and Brookedayle Ave. The park design will include playground equipment, a play lawn, pathways, seating, landscaping, tree planting and the option of a small basketball court. Join us in person or online on April 26 to learn more about the project, see the designs and ask your questions.

    There are two proposed layout options for Creekside Valley Park.

    Creekside Valley Park – Park Layout Option 1

    Park Layout Option 1 includes a playground with play equipment options, a picnic table, a looping pathway around the site, a central open play lawn, seating and landscaping.

    Parl layout option one includes a looping pedestrian pathway through the park from Creekside Valley Drive, a new playground, seating areas, a picnic table, an open lawn area, tree planting, and naturalized landscape areas.Creekside Valley Park - Layout Option 1

    Creekside Valley Park – Park Layout Option 2

    Park Layout Option 2 includes a playground with play equipment options, a picnic table, a small basketball court, a gathering area, seating, a sloping play lawn, seating and landscaping.

    Park layout option two includes a pedestrian pathway from Creekside Valley Drive to a gathering area with a new playground, seating areas, and a picnic table. A small basketball court, a sloping play lawn, tree planting and naturalized landscaping areas are also included in this option.
    Creekside Valley Park - Layout Option 2

    Playground equipment options

    Along with choosing your preferred park layout option, you will also have the option of choosing your preferred climber and swing options.

    Climber OptionsJunior/Senior climber structure with two slides, platform play opportunities, monkey bars, climbers and various play panels. Climber Option A An alternate view of Climber Option A play structure showing the slides, platforms and monkey bars.Climber Option A - Alternate view

    Junior/Senior climber structure with two slides, platform play opportunities, ladders, and various climbers and play panels. Climber Option B

    An alternate view of the Climber Option B play structure showing interactive play panels, various climbers and ladders.Climber Option B - Alternate view

    Swing Options

    Swing Option A - Creekside Valley Park Double Bay swing set with 4 swings.Swing Option A - Double Bay Swing Set

    Swing Option B - Creekside Valley Park Saucer swing on posts.Swing Option B - Saucer Swing

    What's next?

    To share your preferred layout and equipment options, please complete a brief survey beginning April 26. Feedback from the survey, open house and online engagement sessions will be shared in an engagement summary and used to inform the final park designs.

  • Westbrook Park Expansion - Design Concepts

    Two park projects are planned for the Creekside Valley subdivision in Westbrook.

    Westbrook Park is being expanded with new land added on Remington Ave.

    There are two proposed layout options for Westbrook Park Expansion, and both options will include a playground, seating, pathway, open lawn area, landscaping and tree planting. The project will include the removal of the existing play equipment and safety surfacing in Westbrook Park.

    Westbrook Park Expansion – Park Layout Option 1

    Park Layout Option 1 includes an oval-shaped playground with play equipment options, a pathway connection to the street and to Westbrook Park, an open play lawn, seating and landscaping. Pathway connections to Woodfield Cres. and parking lot realignment are included as potential project elements, with a pathway connection to the northwest included for future consideration.

    Westbrook Park Expansion is a new park addition to Westbrook Park with access from Remington Ave and the existing park. The new park area will include a playground, seating, pathway, open lawn area, landscaping and tree planting. The project will include the removal of the existing play equipment and safety surfacing in Westbrook Park. Park Layout Option 1 includes an oval shaped playground with play equipment options, a pathway connection to the street and to Westbrook Park, an open play lawn, seating and landscaping. Pathway connections to Woodfield Crescent and the parking lot realignment are included as potential project elements. Pathway connections to northwest are included for future consideration.Westbrook Park Expansion - Layout Option 1

    Park layout option one - close-up. Option one includes an oval playground, seating, pathway connections, an open play lawn and landscaping.
    A close-up view of Westbrook Park Expansion - Park Layout Option 1

    Westbrook Park Expansion – Park Layout Option 2

    Park Layout Option 2 includes a rectangular playground with play equipment options, a pathway connection to the street and to Westbrook Park, an open play lawn, seating and landscaping. Similar to Option 1, pathway connections to Woodfield Cres. and parking lot realignment are included as potential project elements, with a pathway connection to the northwest included for future consideration.

    Westbrook Park Expansion is a new park addition to Westbrook Park with access from Remington Ave and the existing park. The new park area will include a playground, seating, pathway, open lawn area, landscaping and tree planting. The project will include the removal of the existing play equipment and safety surfacing in Westbrook Park. Park Layout Option 2 includes a rectangular playground with play equipment options, a pathway connection to the street and to Westbrook Park, an open play lawn, seating and landscaping. Pathway connections to Woodfield Crescent and the parking lot realignment are included as potential project elements. Pathway connections to northwest are included for future consideration.
    Westbrook Park Expansion - Park Layout Option 2

    Park layout option two - close-up. Option two includes a rectangular playground, seating, pathway connections, an open play lawn and landscaping.
    A close-up view of Westbrook Park Expansion - Park Layout Option 2

    Playground equipment options

    Along with choosing your preferred park layout option, you will also have the option of choosing your preferred climber and swing options.

    Climber Option A includes a junior climber with an accessible platform, slide, stepping stools, climbing wall, and interactive play panels.Climber Option A - Play structure with slides, climbers, stepping stools and activity panels.
    Climber Option B is a mini-rotating climber.Climber Option B - Mini-rotating Climber

    Swing Option A is a single bay swing with 2 swings.Swing Option A - Single Bay Swing

    Swing Option B is a single saucer supported between 2 posts.Swing Option B - Saucer Swing

    What's next?

    To share your preferred layout and equipment options, please complete a brief survey beginning April 26. Feedback from the survey, open house and online engagement sessions will be shared in an engagement summary and used to inform the final park designs.

Page last updated: 03 Apr 2024, 03:33 PM