Consumer commercial survey

This survey closed March 15.

In partnership with urbanMetrics, experts in the field of commercial land need studies, the City is asking community members to fill out a brief survey about their spending habits. The survey is open until March 15 and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Alternate survey options are available Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., during that time printed copies can be picked up at 1211 John Counter Blvd. or participants can take the survey over the phone by calling 613-546-000 ext. 3242. Participating in the survey allows you to enter a draw for a $50 gift card to any store in the Downtown Kingston Business Improvement Association.

The survey is open until March 15 at 4 p.m.

In December 2023, City Council endorsed the medium growth scenario of a population, employment and housing forecast study which estimates Kingston’s population will grow to nearly 220,000 people by 2051. This survey supports the commercial land review currently underway, which is founded on the population, employment and housing growth estimate. The commercial land review will provide a long-term assessment of the City’s commercial needs and structure and inform the City’s upcoming review of its Official Plan.
