View Hwy 15 & Gore Rd intersection slides

Download the pdf version of all of the slides to see the full story of the evolution of the intersection design and see how the final design is focussed on active transportation and transit improvements.

If you have any questions on the final design of Hwy 15 & Gore Rd intersection please submit them via the Q&A tool.

Highlights of the final design of Hwy 15 and Gore Rd intersection prioritizes:

  • Increasing pedestrian facilities with the addition of sidewalks and pedestrian refuge areas at all four corners of the intersection
  • Making it safer for cyclists with the creation of off-road cycling facilities and cross rides so cyclists can move through the intersection easier
  • Providing more travel options by building a multi-use pathway for multi-modal users on both Gore Rd and Hwy 15
  • Expanding transit infrastructure in all directions by allowing for transit queue-hopping and providing bus stops at the intersection in all directions for future service
  • Supporting various methods of commuting around Kingston that encourage sustainable transportation

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Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Consultation has concluded.
