Project update - Feb. 21, 2025
As we head into the last week of engagement, the project continues to benefit from high interest and engagement. This week, the engagement team focused on in-person engagement sessions in the community, popping up at the Memorial Centre Farmer's Market on Sunday, Feb. 16 and at the Memorial Centre on Wednesday, Feb. 19, and responding to all of the questions submitted to Get Involved Kingston by email or on the engagement platform. Engagement highlights to date include:
- 7,397 people have visited the project page
- 739 surveys have been completed
- 260 questions asked
- 3 in-person sessions hosted, including at the Memorial Centre Farmer's Market
- People living in neighbourhoods with postal codes beginning with K7K are represented most often in the engagement feedback, completing 271 of 739 surveys).
Important engagement deadline reminder
To make sure that all feedback is included in the What We Learned report to Council, all engagement feedback must be submitted to us by 4 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28. If you have picked up a paper survey at an in-person session or received a PDF survey by email, please be sure that these are dropped off or emailed by this time. Staff will use this time to compile, theme and write a summary of engagement activities for the March 18 Council meeting.
Ask a question update
There are some aspects of the project the team continues to work on, including details of the lease agreement and feasibility analysis do not have detailed answers at this time. Other aspects, such as answers from the proponent about the project timeline and specific location, are now available. Answers from the proponent were shared at the session on Wednesday, and are available online.
Passive use information
Community members have reached out to us to ensure that non-bookable use of the Memorial Centre site is reflected in the engagement summary. As part of the survey and in-person activities, we are collecting this information to report back to community and Council.
Time update for our last in-person session
The Memorial Centre is a voting location for the Feb. 27 provincial election, which means our engagement session on Feb. 26 will run from 3-5 p.m. to make sure the election team can set up for voting the following day.
Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your participation and input in this project.