Multi-Sport Stadium Opportunity

Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your participation and input in this project.

After careful thought and consideration, Victory Grounds Ventures has withdrawn its proposed project involving a soccer stadium at the Memorial Centre ahead of a Report which City Staff were expecting to present at the Council meeting of March 18. As a result, the City will pause any further analysis of the proposal as had been requested by City Council.

A What We Learned public engagement summary is now available.

Visit the News & Updates section for project page archives and other community news about the proposal.

After careful thought and consideration, Victory Grounds Ventures has withdrawn its proposed project involving a soccer stadium at the Memorial Centre ahead of a Report which City Staff were expecting to present at the Council meeting of March 18. As a result, the City will pause any further analysis of the proposal as had been requested by City Council.

A What We Learned public engagement summary is now available.

Visit the News & Updates section for project page archives and other community news about the proposal.

Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your participation and input in this project.

  • What we learned - Public Engagement Summary

    Aligned with Council direction to seek input on the stadium proposal to be located at the Memorial Centre site, staff designed a public engagement approach that considered opportunities for event organizers, sports user groups, community associations, and the wider community to offer input online and in-person. Engagement took place at Inform and Consult on the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum of Public Participation. At these levels of the Spectrum, staff are committed to keeping people informed, listening to concerns and providing feedback on how public input influenced decisions.

    Public engagement ran from Jan. 17 to Feb. 28, and used a variety of methods (tactics) to reach interested and affected participants. When compared to other projects open to feedback during this time frame, the stadium proposal received approximately 150% more engagement.

    The following table identifies how staff engaged with specific participant groups and the outcome of each method.

    Participants Engaged


    IAP2 Level

    Reach or Result

    Event organizers, sports user groups, community associations

    Focused conversations


    12 groups

    All interested and affected participants



    1,170 surveys

    All interested and affected participants

    Get Involved Kingston page and newsletter updates


    9,459 site visitors

    1,295 newsletter subscribers

    All interested and affected participants

    Question & Answer


    286 questions from 180 participants (some participants asked multiple questions)

    All interested and affected participants

    Social media and media coverage


    21 social posts
    13,464 engagements
    68 media mentions

    Dog park users

    On-site posters


    306 survey responses

    Near neighbhours

    In-person drop-in information sessions

    Inform and consult

    12 hours over 4 sessions
    150 visitors

    The Ask A Question engagement tactic was launched on Get Involved Kingston on Jan. 17, where participants were invited to ask as many questions as they wished. This approach had the unintended consequence of creating a high volume of questions in several duplicate themes that staff were not able to address in a timely manner. In follow-up project updates, staff shared with engagement participants that there would be delays in providing detailed technical responses to some questions. All questions were responded to by March 4, 2025.

    Expanded engagement began on Jan. 24 with a survey and announcement of in-person engagement opportunities and scheduling focused interviews with site users and community associations. To inform interested and affected participants, email newsletters, posters, social media and outreach to partner agencies and user groups were used. Local and regional media coverage amplified City messaging, resulting in 66 online, TV, print and radio mentions.

    Figure 1: Photo from In-person Engagement SessionBackground information board from Feb. 26 pop-up session. Participants added stickerFeedback received through Get Involved Kingston represented intensive participation by near neighbours in Williamsville, Kings Town and Kingscourt districts, with the highest number of participants (338) living in a neighbourhood with a postal code beginning with K7K.

    Engagement Analysis and Themes

    The engagement survey and focused interview questions were developed using themes identified in the questions submitted to staff by online participants in early consultation efforts. In alignment with Council direction to investigate the feasibility of a stadium on the Memorial Centre site, staff did not directly expressly ask participants if they supported the proposal. The purpose of the survey and focused interviews were to understand how participants use the site, in consideration of impacts to the site through the stadium proposal, and sentiment towards the proposal.

    Survey participants use the Memorial Centre site in a variety of ways, with most respondents attending events and using the track, field or greenspace. A large number of participants use the site in ways not listed, and responses included swimming, leisure time, active transportation and attending the Farmer’s Market.

    Figure 2: Question 1 from Get Involved KingstonResults from question 1: How do you currently use the Memorial Centre site?Through engagement, staff also wanted to learn how changes to the site would affect survey respondents. Removal of the barns, indoor shopping and loss of the paved area were the changes that ranked highest among the changes that would affect survey respondents negatively.

    Figure 3: Question 2 from Get Involved KingstonResults from question 2: Can you tell us how much of these changes would affect how you use the site?Staff also wanted to understand sentiment towards the proposed stadium and put forward themes for survey respondents to agree or disagree with. Themes were developed from questions submitted to Get Involved Kingston. Most respondents shared the following:

    • They are concerned about access to greenspace in Williamsville

    • Vehicle traffic, noise and light would be disruptive

    • They would not go to their favourite events if they were moved from the Memorial Centre to another part of Kingston

    • Access to local food at the Farmer’s Market should not change

    • They do not feel a stadium would have a positive economic impact on sports tourism and businesses.

    Figure 4: Question 3 from Get Involved KingstonResults from question 3: How much do you agree with the key themes

    Figure 6: Theme feedback from February 19 pop-up engagement session

    Theme activity board from Feb. 19 pop-up session. Participants added stickers and notes

    Five overarching themes emerged in the qualitative feedback.

    Loss of Green Space: The potential loss of green space at the Memorial Centre site is a significant concern and mentioned most often in the feedback. Participants value the open space at the Memorial Centre site for recreational activities and community events. Included in the concerns about loss of green space was the perception that the City would be selling and privatizing public property should a stadium be built on the site. Participants feel that this could limit community access and benefit primarily the proponent rather than the public.

    Impact on Existing Amenities and Events: Concerns were raised about the negative impact on existing facilities such as the dog park and sports fields (specifically cricket), and events like the Farmers Market and the Kingston Fall Fair. Participants feared that these community resources activities would be disrupted or diminished.

    Traffic and Parking: Many participants expressed concerns that the stadium would lead to significant traffic congestion in the surrounding residential areas. They worried about the influx of vehicles during events and make it difficult for residents to navigate their neighborhoods. There were numerous mentions of the lack of sufficient parking spaces to accommodate the expected number of visitors. Participants feared that the existing parking facilities would be overwhelmed, leading to illegal parking and further congestion on residential streets. Participants noted that similar traffic and parking challenges were experienced during intensive use of the site (for example, the Kingston Fall Fair) and highlighted the need to improve public transit options to mitigate traffic and parking concerns.

    Noise and Light Pollution: Participants worried about the noise and light pollution that could result from the stadium. In relation to noise, participants identified cheering, music and announcements as intrusive affecting their quality of life, stating they hope relevant bylaws would mitigate excessive noise. Similar concerns regarding light pollution were raised. Staff note that participants also expressed concerns with noise generated by existing events during intensive use of the site, with the Kingston Fall Fair, however these participants acknowledged the short duration of the Fair mitigated some of the impact of light and noise.

    Financial Impact on Taxpayers and Perception of the Proponent: Participants were concerned about the financial implications for taxpayers, including the potential costs associated with infrastructure upgrades and maintenance, along with questions and concerns about the cost of rental fees to community use groups and affordability of tickets to attend games. Included in this feedback were questions regarding the financial background of the proponent and urges for staff to conduct due diligence on the proponent.

    Focused Conversations with Current Memorial Centre Site Users

    To understand how the proposed stadium would affect user groups and event organizers, staff scheduled focused conversations with 12 organizations which use the Memorial Centre site. Focused conversations are an established IAP2 engagement method to guide participants through phases of reflection enabling them to process their thoughts in an orderly manner. All participants were provided the list of staff-developed questions in advance of the focused conversation so they could consult with their organization members to share feedback on behalf of their membership. Organizations were encouraged to invite up to four people to take part in the conversation. The organizations were identified by staff based on historical bookings of the site. Staff invited the Williamsville Community Association following feedback from participants at in-person sessions.

    • Memorial Centre Farmers’ Market

    • Kingston Baseball Association

    • Kingston & District Agricultural Society (Kingston Fall Fair)

    • KTown Kids Triathlon

    • Limestone City Car Classic

    • Kingston Rib Fest & Craft Beer Show

    • Lug Sports

    • Kingston Sport & Social Club

    • Kingston Cricket Club

    • Queen’s University Athletics & Recreation

    • Williamsville Community Association

    • Yellow Bike Action

    Feedback collected during the focused conversations aligns with the themes identified by participants in the wider public consultation.

    Sports user groups and event organizers

    Overall, there was general interest among sports-focused user groups and some event organizers in exploring how the stadium proposal could align with existing community event uses and enhance the long-term recreational value of the Memorial Centre site. Key opportunities identified by sports-focused user groups and some event organizers included:

    Expanded Access to Amenities: these groups highlighted the potential benefits of improved and expanded amenities of the indoor turf fields, which could support increased programming and community access to high-quality recreational space. Kingston Baseball Association and Kingston Sport and Social Club specifically noted the challenges with accessing indoor space to practice during winter months, when they either drive outside of the municipality to access indoor turf fields or cancel winter programming.

    Collaborative Partnerships: There was interest in exploring potential partnerships with the stadium proponent to enhance programming, create joint-use opportunities for events and entertainment, and support local sports development. Examples brought forward by these participants included screening games at events, ticket sale collaboration, and sports team outings on game day, similar to what happens for Kingston Frontenacs games at Slush Puppie Place.

    Non-Taxpayer Investment: These user groups noted the potential for new investment in the Memorial Centre site through non-taxpayer revenue sources associated with the stadium project, which they feel could contribute to infrastructure improvements and enhanced facilities for all users. Ideas generated during this part of the discussion included improvements to the Memorial Centre facility and enhancement to the sports fields, like improved turf maintenance, cricket pitch, skating trail and field lighting.

    Agricultural Event Organizers and Community Associations

    City staff engaged with event organizers who regularly host programming and events at the site. While some event organizers who organize smaller scale events did not have major concerns with the stadium proposal, key event organizers, specifically the Memorial Centre Farmers Market and the Kingston & District Agricultural Society (Kingston Fall Fair) expressed a number of concerns about the potential impacts of a stadium on their ability to successfully deliver their events. Event organizers expressed concern that the introduction of a stadium would dramatically alter the character and functionality of the Memorial Centre site, creating challenges for maintaining its current role as a hub for community events, particularly those with a focus on food, agriculture, and heritage programming.

    Key concerns identified by these participants included:

    Loss of Key Infrastructure: These participants cited the potential loss of the barns and other site infrastructure, and space used to support agricultural events as a major concern. For these participants, these amenities are considered essential to the delivery of events such as the Kingston Fall Fair, weekly farmers market, and storage of equipment for the market and fair, and their removal would significantly impact event feasibility.

    Incompatibility with Existing Uses: There was strong concern that a stadium would be fundamentally incompatible with the agricultural and rural educational programming that is central to the Kingston Fall Fair and Memorial Centre farmers’ market. These participants highlighted the unique character of the site, including its open green space, agricultural focus and cultural heritage would be compromised by the presence of a stadium.

    Operational Disruptions: These participants noted noise from stadium events would interfere with the atmosphere and operations of community events, particularly those with a focus on food, agriculture, and family-friendly programming.

    If you would like to receive the verbatim survey responses or other engagement materials, please contact us.

  • Project page archives

    Get Involved Kingston was updated on March 8, 2025 to reflect the withdrawal of the proposal.

    The information below was previously on the project page to update engagement participants.

    The City was approached by Victory Grounds Ventures (VGV) with interest in establishing a multi-sports stadium at the Kingston Memorial Centre. The stadium would support bringing a Canadian Premier League (CPL) soccer team and one female and one male semi-professional (League1) soccer teams to Kingston. The stadium would be a modular construction that is domed in the winter and would not only be used by these professional and semi-professional soccer teams but would also be available year-round for community user groups and sports organizations. On Jan. 14, 2025, Council directed staff to move forward on exploring the feasibility of VGV’s stadium proposal. This process will include an assessment of project feasibility and associated due diligence as well as consultation and discussion with community user groups, nearest neighbours and the broader community.

    About the public engagement process

    Public engagement on this project will take place at Inform and Consult on the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) spectrum of engagement. Here's how you can engage on this proposal:

    • Read the project background, related documents and reports.
    • Sign up for the project newsletter. We will email you updates and engagement opportunities. If you have asked a question or completed a survey, you are automatically signed up for email updates.
    • Ask the project team a question using the Q&A tool below. We'll collect questions and answer them throughout the project lifecycle and will be answered publicly below in the Q&A section. You can email questions to or call 613-546-0000. You can mail also drop off questions at any City recreation facility or mail them to City of Kingston, Attention Communications & Public Engagement, 216 Ontario St. Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3.
    • From Jan. 27 to Feb. 8, consultation with current site user groups and event organizers through focused conversation interviews.
    • From Jan. 28 to Feb. 28, complete an online survey(s) open to everyone in the community. If you would prefer to complete the survey by email, reach out to or call 613-546-0000. You can also drop off completed surveys at any City recreation facility or mail them to City of Kingston, Attention Communications & Public Engagement, 216 Ontario St. Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3.
    • In-person community information sharing with opportunity to learn more and share feedback.

    Online engagement technical support

    Some community members have shared they are unable to complete the survey online. Learn how to solve most technical difficulties or use one of the non-digital engagement options above to add your input to the project.

  • Memorial Centre soccer stadium proposal withdrawn

    After careful thought and consideration, Victory Grounds Ventures has withdrawn its proposed project involving a soccer stadium at the Memorial Centre ahead of a Report which City Staff were expecting to present at the Council meeting of March 18.

    As a result, the City will pause any further analysis of the proposal as had been requested by City Council.

    This was one of the most robust engagements the City had ever been involved in, with hundreds of people taking time to come forward and share their comments about the proposal while a number of City staff members worked through the Council-directed process.

    The City wishes to extend sincere appreciation to the many user groups, sports leagues, community members, and people connected to the Memorial Centre who took time to provide valued feedback during this process.

  • Project update - Feb. 28, 2025

    As the team wraps up the public consultation on the proposal to establish a multi-sport stadium at the Memorial Centre, we want to take the time to thank everyone who took like to complete a survey, ask a question, send an email or take part in a meeting -- either online or in-person. As a reminder, all feedback must be submitted to us by 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. Any feedback submitted after this date can be included as part of the Council agenda as an exhibit or a communications package to Council, but unfortunately can not be part of the engagement inputs that will be analyzed by staff and including in our engagement report.

    Here are a few highlights as consultations concludes:

    • As of Feb. 27, 1,049 surveys were completed and 276 questions submitted and 8,857 had visited the project page.
    • For the final in-person session on Feb. 26, we extended the session by 1 hour. We also prepared additional presentation boards to supplement information presentation information shared in earlier weeks. Participants were encouraged to add notes and comments to each of the boards however they wished. The engagement team took photos of all of the boards and will be transcribing the feedback to include in a What We've Learned report for Get Involved and for Council. If you require an alternate format, please contact us.
    • The additional boards included two concept layouts prepared by the project team, and were intended to show how different site amenities could be accommodated on the site, and which amenities would need to change.
    • The engagement team has updated two survey graphs in the images below to correct errors in the labelling of legends on the graphs (specifically, how people use the site, and how changes would affect them).
    • Between now and March 18, staff will continue their feasibility analysis on the the proposal. The Council report will be available online on Thursday, March 13. We will share an update on this page and email project participants when it is posted online.

    Thank you again for your participation and being part of this conversation!

    Presentation board with welcome and sign in instructions.BackgroundSite mapongoing proposal considerationsPast consultations and Council endorsementsProject impactsshare your feedback on themes identified so farshare your feedback on themes identified so far

  • Extended Hours for Feb. 26 Public Engagement Session!

    Over the past month, we have enjoyed learning from and speaking to everyone who has taken the time to drop-in to the-in person information sessions (no matter the weather, rain, sun or snow!).

    We are excited to welcome you to our final drop-in public engagement session at the Memorial Centre on Wednesday, Feb. 26. Originally scheduled from 3 to 5 p.m., we are pleased to announce that we have extended the session until 6 p.m. This extension allows us to maintain the same hours as our previous sessions throughout February, and still accommodate the setup for the provincial election the following day.

    If you have picked up a paper copy of a survey this month, please remember to bring them with you tomorrow to drop off at the sign-in table, or take the time to mail them to us. Remember, all feedback needs to shared with us by 4 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28.

    Your ongoing involvement in the proposal has been invaluable, and we look forward to seeing near-neighbours and other community members at our final in-person session tomorrow. Thank you for your continued support and participation!

  • Project update - Feb. 21, 2025

    As we head into the last week of engagement, the project continues to benefit from high interest and engagement. This week, the engagement team focused on in-person engagement sessions in the community, popping up at the Memorial Centre Farmer's Market on Sunday, Feb. 16 and at the Memorial Centre on Wednesday, Feb. 19, and responding to all of the questions submitted to Get Involved Kingston by email or on the engagement platform. Engagement highlights to date include:

    • 7,397 people have visited the project page
    • 739 surveys have been completed
    • 260 questions asked
    • 3 in-person sessions hosted, including at the Memorial Centre Farmer's Market
    • People living in neighbourhoods with postal codes beginning with K7K are represented most often in the engagement feedback, completing 271 of 739 surveys).

    Important engagement deadline reminder

    To make sure that all feedback is included in the What We Learned report to Council, all engagement feedback must be submitted to us by 4 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28. If you have picked up a paper survey at an in-person session or received a PDF survey by email, please be sure that these are dropped off or emailed by this time. Staff will use this time to compile, theme and write a summary of engagement activities for the March 18 Council meeting.

    Ask a question update

    There are some aspects of the project the team continues to work on, including details of the lease agreement and feasibility analysis do not have detailed answers at this time. Other aspects, such as answers from the proponent about the project timeline and specific location, are now available. Answers from the proponent were shared at the session on Wednesday, and are available online.

    Passive use information

    Community members have reached out to us to ensure that non-bookable use of the Memorial Centre site is reflected in the engagement summary. As part of the survey and in-person activities, we are collecting this information to report back to community and Council.

    Time update for our last in-person session

    The Memorial Centre is a voting location for the Feb. 27 provincial election, which means our engagement session on Feb. 26 will run from 3-5 p.m. to make sure the election team can set up for voting the following day.

  • Project update - Feb. 14, 2025

    What we’ve learned so far - public engagement update Jan. 17-Feb. 13, 2025

    Public engagement on the proposal to build a multi-sport stadium on the Memorial Centre site is benefitting from significant community input. Since launching engagement and opening the Get Involved page on Jan. 17:

    • More than 5,800 people have visited the page, with most visitors clicking on a link in our emails or on Facebook posts to get to the page
    • 490 online surveys have been completed, with additional surveys completed by email, mail and in-person
    • Over 250 questions have been submitted by email and on the engagement platform.
    • Four news and engagement updates were published
    • Approximately 50 people came to the in-person drop-in session at the Memorial Centre on Feb. 12.
    • Staff met with 10 different sports user groups and event organizers for 1-hour structured interviews.
      • Note: staff have updated the number of consulted groups from 17 to 10.

    The engagement team is working to respond to as many questions as possible, and we recognize that not all questions are being responded to as quickly or in as much detail as engagement participants prefer, but we assure everyone that all questions are being collected and will be shared back to the community and Council. Unfortunately, due to the volume of questions we are receiving and the compressed timeline, not all questions will receive a detailed individual response. Answers to repeated and similar questions will be directed to an FAQ section, which is under development.

    The engagement team is also receiving feedback from residents who are concerned about the lack of transparency in the process, and hearing from some residents who are having technology challenges on the engagement platform. Here is how we are working to address that feedback:

    • Clarifying that staff are engaging on the Memorial Centre site specifically, as directed by Council.
    • Minor adjustments are being made to the survey to increase clarity and address concern of unintended influence on response selections. The options presented will remain the same.
    • Sharing survey results to date
    • Continuing to provide input opportunities through email, in-person and mail, and providing additional paper surveys to residents to share with their friends, families and neighbours.

    Commonly heard concerns in order of frequency

    Over the past few weeks, and as the amount of input we receive increases, feedback themes are changing. This is reflected in both the interim survey results and input received through email. Changing feedback themes below reflect input received online between Jan. 17-Feb. 12.

    Disruption from traffic, noise, parking and lighting (280 comments)

    Concerns about increased traffic congestion and traffic safety, parking issues, and the impact on local streets are prevalent. Two examples of verbatim comments are:

    • "The stadium will generate a lot of car traffic which will disrupt the neighborhood. Plus a lot of noise! Has this been addressed with the residents?"
    • "Extremely concerned about traffic flow. Currently terrible flow York to Division. Lights don’t change even if cars waiting. Pine to York consistently sees car go through stops. Parking terrible during fair. Can’t see to go around corners."

    Green space and parkland concerns (237 comments):

    A significant number of comments express concerns about the impact of the stadium project on green space and parkland in Williamsville, and lands being leased to a private developer.

    • “This location adversely affects the enjoyment of local residents to the facilities, many of whom are living on a lower income, and rely on the pool and waterpark and green space for their health and well-being.”
    • “This is public park land and using it for private purposes is a dangerous precedent!”
    • "I am concerned about the intensification of the city in Williamsville with 4 more 10 story buildings being built that open green space will be important for the health and wellbeing of the residents.”

    Proposal opposition (138 comments)

    Staff have been directed by Council to consider the Memorial Centre site specifically for this stadium proposal, however it is important to reflect community feedback as part of the engagement process. Staff note a significant amount of feedback contains opposition to a stadium in the Memorial Centre location. An example of a verbatim comment is:

    • "There’s no mention of the dramatic way in which this stadium would negatively affect the quality of life and property values of the people living in the three streets bordering the Memorial Centre property. Their lives will become hellish for no reason apart from a stranger’s bid to start a business that could be located in several other parts of the city."

    Stadium and professional soccer support in an alternate location (97 comments)

    Participants are voicing support for professional soccer and a stadium in Kingston and questioning why only the Memorial Centre site is being considered and consulted on. Supporters of a stadium highlight the need for more indoor sports facilities and the positive impact on youth and adult sports organizations. Two examples of verbatim comments are:

    • "Excited to have a pro sports team here! It will be great for the city!"
    • "Our city is clearly lacking in turf fields and facilities for sports needing turf and year round access."

    Impact on existing facilities (69 comments)

    Participants share their concerns about the impact of a stadium on the Fall Fair, phased removal of barns, Farmers Market, sports fields, running track and dog park. One example of the verbatim feedback is:

    • "Placing it in that location shows a decided lack of concern about the residents in the area. The removal of the barns would also have a detrimental affect on both the Kingston Fall Fair, as well as the Memorial Centre Farmers Market, which is frankly one of the best farmers markets I’ve ever attended. The sense of community found there is unlike anything I’ve experienced elsewhere."

    Financial viability (51 comments)

    Engagement participants have expressed doubts about the financial viability of the project and the potential burden on taxpayers if the stadium is not successful. Two examples of verbatim comments are:

    • “How likely is a stadium to actually pay for itself and not require constant financial support from the city?”
    • “What is the funding source from this developer? This developer has no history or experience shared in similar projects and was established in April 2024. What assurances are there that once a shovel is in the ground, the project will be completed and the city will not be financially responsible for any penalties/delays?”

    Community consultation and transparency (15 comments)

    Some residents feel that the consultation process has been inadequate, and that the City is not genuinely considering public input. Feedback from participants note barriers to participation, frustration with the consultation process and lack of transparency in decision making. Three examples of verbatim comments are:

    • "Why is the survey so difficult to find and why is it so biased?"
    • "Btw I find this forum v unhelpful for gathering info. You are asking for questions, not listening to concerns, a v starting point."
    • "Looking at the "responses" on the feedback page is incredibly disappointing and seems to imply that the city just doesn't care about anyone's input and is going to go ahead with this plan anyway. The non-answers are very telling"

    Next steps

    The project team is continuing due diligence work, which includes traffic, parking and servicing feasibility memos, business case review and continued public consultation with the community. This work is to fulfill the direction provided by Council:

    That staff be directed to conduct community consultation on the proposed relocation of the dog park within the field at the back of the property, the loss of some sport field uses, impacts to the circular track at the back of the property, and on the identification of alternate options/locations for the annual Agricultural Fair; and

    That staff be directed to report back at the March 18, 2025 City Council meeting on the proposed terms of a land lease, that will include consideration of community feedback; and

    That Council direct staff to identify options, including a phased-in implementation, to continue to support the operations of organizations making use of the existing barns at the Memorial Centre site, and report back as part of the due diligence process.

  • Survey results from Jan. 27 to Feb. 12, 2025

    In our Feb. 14 project update, the engagement team shared we are receiving feedback from residents who are concerned about the lack of transparency in the process. To support our efforts to improve communications and offer clarity in the engagement, we are sharing survey results from Jan. 27 to Feb. 12. If you require an alternate format, please contact us. Survey results will also be available at our in-person drop-in engagements.

    Question 1: How do you currently use the Memorial Centre site? Select all that apply.

    • My organization rents space (business, events or sports): 28
    • I belong to a sports group that practices here: 45
    • I'm a dog owner who uses the dog park: 136
    • I attend events here: 432
    • I use the track, field or green space on my own time and not as part of a club or event: 262
    • I don't use the Memorial Centre site: 65
    • I use the site in another way that isn't listed: 152

    graph showing survey results

    Question 2: If Council approves a multi-sport stadium on the Memorial Centre site, there will need to be changes to how the site is used. Can you tell us how each of these changes would affect how you use the site?

    graph showing survey results

    Relocation of the dog park

    • Does not affect me: 323
    • Affects me negatively: 187
    • Affects me positively: 19

    Loss of some use of the sports fields

    • Does not affect me: 260
    • Affects me negatively: 264
    • Affects me positively: 25

    Adjustment of the track

    • Does not affect me: 248
    • Affects me negatively: 265
    • Affects me positively: 36

    Indoor shopping at the Farmer's Market

    • Does not affect me: 123
    • Affects me negatively: 327
    • Affects me positively: 99

    Lost of paved area where the proposed stadium would be located

    • Does not affect me: 243
    • Affects me negatively: 259
    • Affects me positively: 47

    Removal of the barns to accommodate additional parking

    • Does not affect me: 176
    • Affects me negatively: 320
    • Affects me positively: 53

    Question 3: In early engagement, community members shared feedback about the effect a multi-sport stadium on Kingston. How much do you agree or disagree with these feedback themes?

    graph showing survey results

    I am concerned about access to greenspace in Williamsville.

    • Definitely disagree: 105
    • Neutral or no opinion: 69
    • Definitely agree: 375

    Increase in vehicle traffic will be disruptive (staff note this question was asked twice in the survey)

    • Definitely disagree: 51
    • Neutral or no opinion: 112
    • Definitely agree: 386

    A stadium that is domed in the winter increases opportunity for local sports groups

    • Definitely disagree: 95
    • Neutral or no opinion: 174
    • Definitely agree: 280

    I would continue to go to my favourite events if they were moved from the Memorial Centre to another part of Kingston.

    • Definitely disagree: 267
    • Neutral or no opinion: 135
    • Definitely agree: 147

    Public transit makes it easy to get to the Memorial Centre

    • Definitely disagree: 149
    • Neutral or no opinion: 262
    • Definitely agree: 138

    I am concerned about the financial impact a stadium could have on taxpayers

    • Definitely disagree: 102
    • Neutral or no opinion: 94
    • Definitely agree: 353

    A stadium will have positive economic impact on sports tourism and businesses

    • Definitely disagree: 211
    • Neutral or no opinion: 127
    • Definitely agree: 211

    Noise and light during professional and semi-professional games will be disruptive

    • Definitely disagree: 113
    • Neutral or no opinion: 106
    • Definitely agree: 330

    Sustainable building practices and tree planting would mitigate the environmental effects of a stadium

    • Definitely disagree: 252
    • Neutral or no opinion: 125
    • Definitely agree: 172

    I am excited to attend a professional or semi-professional soccer event in Kingston

    • Definitely disagree: 284
    • Neutral or no opinion: 84
    • Definitely agree: 181

    It’s important that access to local food at the Farmer’s Market doesn’t change if a stadium is built

    • Definitely disagree: 74
    • Neutral or no opinion: 47
    • Definitely agree: 478

    A multi-sport stadium adds to Williamsville's vibrancy

    • Definitely disagree: 288
    • Neutral or no opinion: 80
    • Definitely agree: 181
  • Information session presentation boards - Feb. 12, 2025

    We prepared a series of presentation boards for the Feb. 12 in-person drop-in session. Participants were encouraged to add notes and comments to each of the boards however they wished. The engagement team took photos of all of the boards and will be transcribing the feedback to include in a What We've Learned report for Get Involved and for Council. If you require an alternate format, please contact us.

    Presentation board with welcome and sign in instructions.BackgroundSite mapongoing proposal considerationsPast consultations and Council endorsementsProject impactsHow do you currently use the Memorial Centre site?share your feedback on themes identified so farshare your feedback on themes identified so farWho we are learning from

  • Share your thoughts and learn more at one of four engagement drop-ins about a proposed multi-sport stadium

    Join City staff at one of four new drop-in engagement opportunities this month specific to the multi-sport stadium proposal at the Kingston Memorial Centre. Whether you're excited about the idea, have concerns, or just want to learn more about what’s involved with the due diligence process, City staff will be on hand to chat, breakdown the project review currently underway, outline what decision points are still to come and hear your thoughts about the Victory Grounds Ventures proposal.

    Stop by the Memorial Centre, 303 York St, any time between 3 and 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 19 or 26 or at the Memorial Centre Farmers Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 16 where the project’s engagement team will be available to receive your input and share where we are in the due diligence process.

    For the Wednesday sessions, information boards with background details and engagement updates will be displayed in the Memorial Centre concourse for community members to browse through and make comments around on. These informal sessions provide an opportunity to speak directly with the City’s engagement team, learn more about the review and engagement currently underway, ask questions, share your thoughts, and if you haven’t already, complete a survey about the proposal.

    On January 14, 2025, Council directed staff to move forward on exploring the feasibility of Victory Ground Venture’s stadium proposal. This process includes an assessment of project feasibility and associated due diligence as well as consultation and discussion with community user groups, nearest neighbours and the broader community.

    Information and engagement updates are added regularly to Get Involved Kingston, including frequent responses to the community questions that have been submitted since Jan. 17. Staff will report back to Council on March 18 on the outcome of these consultations, feasibility of the proposal, and with proposed terms for a lease agreement should the project be deemed viable and be supported by Council.

    If Council supports moving forward with a lease at the March 18 meeting the stadium proposal would then require additional detailed technical study and study review before any stadium can move forward on the property. This step would include consideration at Planning Committee and Council.

    Stay connected to the online conversation by signing up for project updates, asking a question or completing a survey by Feb. 28.