Survey results from Jan. 27 to Feb. 12, 2025
In our Feb. 14 project update, the engagement team shared we are receiving feedback from residents who are concerned about the lack of transparency in the process. To support our efforts to improve communications and offer clarity in the engagement, we are sharing survey results from Jan. 27 to Feb. 12. If you require an alternate format, please contact us. Survey results will also be available at our in-person drop-in engagements.
Question 1: How do you currently use the Memorial Centre site? Select all that apply.
- My organization rents space (business, events or sports): 28
- I belong to a sports group that practices here: 45
- I'm a dog owner who uses the dog park: 136
- I attend events here: 432
- I use the track, field or green space on my own time and not as part of a club or event: 262
- I don't use the Memorial Centre site: 65
- I use the site in another way that isn't listed: 152
Question 2: If Council approves a multi-sport stadium on the Memorial Centre site, there will need to be changes to how the site is used. Can you tell us how each of these changes would affect how you use the site?
Relocation of the dog park
- Does not affect me: 323
- Affects me negatively: 187
- Affects me positively: 19
Loss of some use of the sports fields
- Does not affect me: 260
- Affects me negatively: 264
- Affects me positively: 25
Adjustment of the track
- Does not affect me: 248
- Affects me negatively: 265
- Affects me positively: 36
Indoor shopping at the Farmer's Market
- Does not affect me: 123
- Affects me negatively: 327
- Affects me positively: 99
Lost of paved area where the proposed stadium would be located
- Does not affect me: 243
- Affects me negatively: 259
- Affects me positively: 47
Removal of the barns to accommodate additional parking
- Does not affect me: 176
- Affects me negatively: 320
- Affects me positively: 53
Question 3: In early engagement, community members shared feedback about the effect a multi-sport stadium on Kingston. How much do you agree or disagree with these feedback themes?
I am concerned about access to greenspace in Williamsville.
- Definitely disagree: 105
- Neutral or no opinion: 69
- Definitely agree: 375
Increase in vehicle traffic will be disruptive (staff note this question was asked twice in the survey)
- Definitely disagree: 51
- Neutral or no opinion: 112
- Definitely agree: 386
A stadium that is domed in the winter increases opportunity for local sports groups
- Definitely disagree: 95
- Neutral or no opinion: 174
- Definitely agree: 280
I would continue to go to my favourite events if they were moved from the Memorial Centre to another part of Kingston.
- Definitely disagree: 267
- Neutral or no opinion: 135
- Definitely agree: 147
Public transit makes it easy to get to the Memorial Centre
- Definitely disagree: 149
- Neutral or no opinion: 262
- Definitely agree: 138
I am concerned about the financial impact a stadium could have on taxpayers
- Definitely disagree: 102
- Neutral or no opinion: 94
- Definitely agree: 353
A stadium will have positive economic impact on sports tourism and businesses
- Definitely disagree: 211
- Neutral or no opinion: 127
- Definitely agree: 211
Noise and light during professional and semi-professional games will be disruptive
- Definitely disagree: 113
- Neutral or no opinion: 106
- Definitely agree: 330
Sustainable building practices and tree planting would mitigate the environmental effects of a stadium
- Definitely disagree: 252
- Neutral or no opinion: 125
- Definitely agree: 172
I am excited to attend a professional or semi-professional soccer event in Kingston
- Definitely disagree: 284
- Neutral or no opinion: 84
- Definitely agree: 181
It’s important that access to local food at the Farmer’s Market doesn’t change if a stadium is built
- Definitely disagree: 74
- Neutral or no opinion: 47
- Definitely agree: 478
A multi-sport stadium adds to Williamsville's vibrancy
- Definitely disagree: 288
- Neutral or no opinion: 80
- Definitely agree: 181
Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your participation and input in this project.