Shaming who we are

Go back a few generations in every family, no matter from where, no matter how well-established at the present time, and you will ALWAYS find someone or something that is shameful, unacceptable, criminal. Does it take away from who each one of us are today, does it define you as an individual? Are you willing to denounce your last name because your great-great-great-grandmother fell on hard times and made decisions that may not make you proud of her today, or because your great-great-great-great-grandfather had to do something that by our today's morally acceptable and politically correct standards would make him a less than respectful member of the society? I am sure each family suffered at the hand of another, be it a chronic or an acute abuse, defamation, persecution... It's evolution, it's what life as a human kind is - without these past mistakes, without trials and errors, without the uniqueness of ideas and without the flaws that come packaged with all of these attributes - we, as a human kind, will not move forward. Acknowledge the mistakes, ensure that today brings more understanding and kindness, and less pain and exclusion to those less fortunate. But don't be so naive as to blame one man - power is never in the hands of just one man. Power requires networks, negotiations, significant capitals and cooperation from all those involved. Interpreting history is a futile and impossible task, accepting it is a noble and necessary burden that gives humanity the strength to move forward.

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