Rotary Park Improvements

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Public engagement is complete and we thank you for your feedback. Review the engagement summary.

A graphic of sailboats on water and two people canoeing.

In 2018 the City permitted the Limestone Boat and Board Club to develop and operate a small watercraft club in Rotary Park. In 2019, the club built a dock and installed a temporary storage container.

The club is currently advancing plans for a boat house building to replace its storage container. The proposed works would include a 30’ x 45’ building, storage compound, landscaping, pathway improvements with seasonal vehicular access and a small gravel parking lot near the south of the park. Tree removal would be required, including the removal of six small living trees, approximately 300 square metres of buckthorn shrubs and dead ash trees. No high-quality trees will be removed and new tree planting will be included in the project.

This community-operated club is open to all residents. Information about the club can be found on their website.

Get Involved, Kingston!

A graphic of sailboats on water and two people canoeing.

In 2018 the City permitted the Limestone Boat and Board Club to develop and operate a small watercraft club in Rotary Park. In 2019, the club built a dock and installed a temporary storage container.

The club is currently advancing plans for a boat house building to replace its storage container. The proposed works would include a 30’ x 45’ building, storage compound, landscaping, pathway improvements with seasonal vehicular access and a small gravel parking lot near the south of the park. Tree removal would be required, including the removal of six small living trees, approximately 300 square metres of buckthorn shrubs and dead ash trees. No high-quality trees will be removed and new tree planting will be included in the project.

This community-operated club is open to all residents. Information about the club can be found on their website.

Get Involved, Kingston!

Public engagement is complete and we thank you for your feedback. Review the engagement summary.

  • Rotary Park Engagement Summary

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    The Limestone Boat and Board Club (LBBC) proposed to replace the temporary storage container with a boat house to support the operation of a small watercraft club in Rotary Park. This phase of improvement includes a 30’x45’ building, storage compound, landscaping, pathway improvements with seasonal vehicular access and a small parking lot near the south end of the park. In 2018, Council approved the partnership with LBBC to develop and operate community programs related to small craft in Rotary Park.

    On Dec. 15, 2022, a virtual meeting was held by the City and LBBC. Following the meeting, an online survey was posted until Jan. 12, 2023, on Kingston’s Get Involved platform to receive feedback on the concept design.

    Feedback was provided by approximately 50 participants in the virtual meeting and through the online survey.

    Feedback Summary

    • Most respondents found the improvement a positive addition to the waterfront and support active living and a more secure storage facility.
    • Many appreciated the effort to protect good quality trees and only remove invasive species. However, there was a concern raised about the impact on the ecosystem and wildlife when removing dead trees and invasive buckthorn trees.
    • Some appreciate a separate parking lot to reduce the crowding at the main parking lot and mitigate the pedestrian hazard with the shoulder parking near the off-leash dog park area. Some were concerned that the new parking spaces will be mainly used by dog park users, leaving few for boat club users.
    • Suggest considering the impact of turtles during construction and within the gravel parking lot.
    • Suggest considering programming needs in relation to ticks.
    • Concerns raised about pedestrian safety on the road that Rotary Park abuts.

    Common Questions

    Why is a concrete structure proposed, and could it be made more attractive?

    The structure is based, to some degree, on partial in-kind services donated to the club by the manufacturer. Efforts will be made to create a more attractive finish and reduce its mass and impact on the park.

    Who is allowed to use the new parking lot?

    The new parking lot would be open to the public on a first come first serve basis. It is meant to supplement the existing parking supply given the increased park usage generated by the proposed facility.

    Who is allowed to use the dock?

    The large wooden and steel floating dock is public and can be used by all residents. The smaller finger dock is prioritized for club use only when in use. The club is permitted to run programs on all docks.

    Will pedestrians and hand-held carts be permitted to use the pathway beyond the parking lot?

    Yes, the pathway is intended to be used by pedestrians mainly. Occasional vehicular access may be permitted for the club on the path to bring in equipment and upkeep facilities. Vehicular access during turtle nesting season will be restricted.