What is being presented to EITP in June?

    The recommended Walk ‘n’ Roll Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) will be the City’s framework for increasing active travel choices for all residents within the city. It includes Kingston’s vision, active transportation principles and goals and city-wide active transportation network of cycling and walking routes and facilities.

    The ATMP is much more than a physical plan with a network of routes and connections. It also includes outreach initiatives and strategies for encouraging active transportation. The plan further recognizes the need to develop neighbourhood level active transportation connections and facilities to be undertaken in the next phase of work. Council will be asked to adopt the plan and to direct staff to refine the phasing and create an implementation plan.

    What comes next after EITP and Council?

    Subject to Council’s adoption, staff will refine the phasing and develop an implementation plan. A key part of the implementation plan will involve the development of Transportation Focus Area Studies to determine neighbourhood level routes and facilities. City staff will be undertaking more neighbourhood focused work and public engagement should the direction be given to proceed. Outreach with neighbourhood associations and residents will be important as we move forward.

    How did public engagement shape the development of Walk 'n' Roll Kingston?

    Understanding that active transportation requires both expanding travel choices and encouraging people to change their habits to walk and cycle more, a high level of public engagement was undertaken. This included a stakeholder forum, pop-up workshops, open houses and workshops, online survey and the participation of a Technical Advisory Group. The recommended plan was directly influenced by public engagement on the future vision, active transportation principles, urban and rural network options and priorities and promotional and outreach strategies. This is especially important as the success of Walk ‘n’ Roll Kingston will be affected by how it addresses the needs and aspirations of the community and enables residents to shift their travel to more active modes.

    Where can I learn more?

    The draft recommended ATMP will be posted by May 4, 2018. Visit www.CityofKingston.ca/walkroll to learn more about what we heard from the public and to review the draft of the first two chapters which outline the vision, principles and goals and engagement strategy that has shaped the development of the plan.