Approval of Williamsville Transportation Study
Last week City Council approved recommendations from the Williamsville Transportation Study including a preferred design concept for cycling infrastructure along Princess Street.
What’s next?
The City will proceed with a future reconstruction of a portion of Princess Street, which will include a physically separated cycle tracks on both sides of Princess Street between Division Street and Alfred Street. Details on this option are available in the memo from early May.
The Williamsville bikeway network will be incorporated into future capital projects. As we complete upgrades to the road and underground infrastructure in the area we will build out the bikeway network. Green street concepts will also be incorporated into these future improvements.
Finally, the City will develop plans for operation, maintenance, enforcement and other things needed to make sure that this new bike infrastructure is kept in good shape and accessible to cyclists.
Public engagement
Williamsville’s community truly showed up to engage on this project. The project team is grateful for the time and energy the community contributed. From reviewing our drafts, offering feedback, attending open houses all of that take time effort and thought. Because of your involvement we were able to develop a plan that will better address the needs of Williamsville’s Community as it grows.
Thank you for your time, your feedback and your attention.
The details
If you’re looking for the full approved study, it’s available on the newly relaunched City of Kingston website(External link). The motion that Council approved is copied below:
That the conclusions of the Williamsville Transportation Study presented in Report Number EITP-24-018 be adopted by Council; and
That the preferred concept for Princess Street that prioritizes cycle tracks and pedestrian infrastructure, identified as Alternative 2B in Report Number EITP-24-018, be incorporated into the detailed design and reconstruction of Princess Street as part of future capital projects and redevelopment opportunities; and
That the identified neighbourhood cycling network and facilities, as identified in Exhibit A and Exhibit G in Report Number EITP-24-018, be incorporated into future capital projects and development opportunities planned for identified streets; and
That the green street principles and concepts, as identified in Exhibit A in Report Number EITP-24-018, be established as options that can be integrated into neighbourhood streets slated for reconstruction in approved and future capital budgets; and
That Council direct staff to develop plans for operations, maintenance, enforcement, and other ongoing actions to support new infrastructure on Princess Street, the neighbourhood cycling network, and local streets where green street elements are added to be incorporated into future capital and operating budgets.
The Williamsville Transportation Study Team
Consultation has concluded, the engagement report is available online.