Bike route maps and cross-sections
Below are reference images including two maps outlining current and planned routes as well as proposed routes. There are also cross-section drawings showing planned typical bike infrastructure that could be built.
Route maps
Tap or click on the images below to open at full resolution in a new tab.
The map above illustrates the Williamsville neighbourhood and shows the different types of bike or cycling infrastructure that is planned or in place.
The map above illustrates the Williamsville neighbourhood and shows the different proposed routes through the neighbourhood based on public feedback.
These images show what the different types of bike infrastructure or cycling facilities would be used to support the neighbourhood routes. Tap or click on the images below to open at full resolution in a new tab.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for Mack Street, Napier Street, and Nelson Street with signage and pavement markings for a shared travel lane for cyclists and vehicles.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for Mack Street, Napier Street, and Nelson Street that includes traffic calming bump outs with signage and pavement markings for a shared travel lane for cyclists and vehicles..
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for College Street, Park Street, Alfred Street Albert Street, Mack Street, and Nelson Street with signage and pavement markings for a shared travel lane for cyclists and vehicles.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for College Street, Park Street, Alfred Street Albert Street, Mack Street, and Nelson Street that includes traffic calming bump outs with signage and pavement markings for a shared travel lane for cyclists and vehicles.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for Alfred Street with signage and pavement markings for Advisory Bike Lanes with on-street parking on one side of the road.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for Macdonnell Street with signage and pavement markings for a shared travel lane for cyclists and vehicles.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for Macdonnell Street that includes traffic calming bump outs with signage and pavement markings for a shared travel lane for cyclists and vehicles.
The cross-section above shows a proposed cross-section for Macdonnell Street with signage and pavement markings for Advisory Bike Lanes with on-street parking on one side of the road.
Consultation has concluded, the engagement report is available online.