Visioning survey launches

We know you’ve been patiently waiting for this, it’s survey time! Today we launched the visioning survey for the Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan.

It’s important that we hear from the community broadly at this crucial point in the project and kindly ask for about 20 minutes – possibly a bit longer depending on your responses – of your time and energy. Your feedback will be used to help shape the two plans we’re working on, the Official Plan and the Integrated Mobility Plan, and ultimately contribute to how we grow and move into the future.

We want to hear from you—and from as many voices as possible. Help us spread the word! The more people who participate, the better we can reflect the diverse ambitions of our community. Please share this survey with family, friends, colleagues and anyone who might be interested.

Once this survey is complete, we’ll report back on what we heard and outline the next steps in the process as the YG220K planning continues.

Access the survey

Thank you for your time and energy so far. We truly appreciate your contributions!

- YG220K Project Team
