Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan
What's YG220K? It's a shared vision for the future of Kingston carrying us forward for the next 25 years. YG220K is the amalgamation of YGK - the city's airport code and regional identifier - and 220K, short for 220,000, which is the population Kingston is expected to hit by 2051.
YG220K is a rewrite of the City of Kingston’s Official Plan, which is a document that guides our city’s future land use, growth and change and the City of Kingston’s Transportation Plan, now called the Integrated Mobility Plan, which guides our city’s future transportation network.
Official Plan
Sets the City's land use plans for the next 25 years, approximately, until 2051. It will outline how residential, commercial, industrial and other land uses will be built in the city. Kingston is growing and the Official Plan will ensure that the city continues to be livable, diverse, equitable and prosperous by strategically directing growth. This plan will be used as the basis of other plans and bylaws the City will develop and update including the servicing plans, the zoning bylaw, parks plans, recreation plans and more, they all build off the details in the Official Plan.
Integrated Mobility Plan
Focuses on how people will move throughout the city to get to where they need to go, from now to 2051. The plan will lay out a blueprint for roads, frequent transit corridors, and active transportation infrastructure over the coming years. To accommodate the growth that is envisioned sustainably, equitably, and efficiently, our future transportation network will need to provide options for people of all ages and abilities. The integrated mobility plan will follow a few months behind the Official Plan, allowing it to be in lock-step with the planned origins and destinations of where people will need to go.
Two plans, one coordinated approach
The Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan are two separate plans with two distinct purposes but are very much intertwined. If you're planning for future land uses and planning for growth, it makes sense to plan for how the transportation network will support that growth. Likewise, it’s important to plan for growth in areas where transportation infrastructure investments are already being made.
For the first time in our history, the City of Kingston will be completing these two plans at the same time. Doing so opens up the opportunity to have a more complete conversation about the future growth of the City and about how we grow in a more connected, deliberate way. Having these two plans completed at the same time presents a great opportunity for collaboration and improvement – so, we're taking it.
Community involvement
A shared vision requires involvement from the community, and public engagement on this project will be central to it. Throughout the project, there will have opportunities to share your feedback both online and in person. From surveys, pop-up events, interviews and much more, we will need to hear your voice.
Stay connected
There is a lot more to come so don't miss any news or engagement opportunities on this project. Use the Follow Project button on this page to sign up for project updates.
What's YG220K? It's a shared vision for the future of Kingston carrying us forward for the next 25 years. YG220K is the amalgamation of YGK - the city's airport code and regional identifier - and 220K, short for 220,000, which is the population Kingston is expected to hit by 2051.
YG220K is a rewrite of the City of Kingston’s Official Plan, which is a document that guides our city’s future land use, growth and change and the City of Kingston’s Transportation Plan, now called the Integrated Mobility Plan, which guides our city’s future transportation network.
Official Plan
Sets the City's land use plans for the next 25 years, approximately, until 2051. It will outline how residential, commercial, industrial and other land uses will be built in the city. Kingston is growing and the Official Plan will ensure that the city continues to be livable, diverse, equitable and prosperous by strategically directing growth. This plan will be used as the basis of other plans and bylaws the City will develop and update including the servicing plans, the zoning bylaw, parks plans, recreation plans and more, they all build off the details in the Official Plan.
Integrated Mobility Plan
Focuses on how people will move throughout the city to get to where they need to go, from now to 2051. The plan will lay out a blueprint for roads, frequent transit corridors, and active transportation infrastructure over the coming years. To accommodate the growth that is envisioned sustainably, equitably, and efficiently, our future transportation network will need to provide options for people of all ages and abilities. The integrated mobility plan will follow a few months behind the Official Plan, allowing it to be in lock-step with the planned origins and destinations of where people will need to go.
Two plans, one coordinated approach
The Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan are two separate plans with two distinct purposes but are very much intertwined. If you're planning for future land uses and planning for growth, it makes sense to plan for how the transportation network will support that growth. Likewise, it’s important to plan for growth in areas where transportation infrastructure investments are already being made.
For the first time in our history, the City of Kingston will be completing these two plans at the same time. Doing so opens up the opportunity to have a more complete conversation about the future growth of the City and about how we grow in a more connected, deliberate way. Having these two plans completed at the same time presents a great opportunity for collaboration and improvement – so, we're taking it.
Community involvement
A shared vision requires involvement from the community, and public engagement on this project will be central to it. Throughout the project, there will have opportunities to share your feedback both online and in person. From surveys, pop-up events, interviews and much more, we will need to hear your voice.
Stay connected
There is a lot more to come so don't miss any news or engagement opportunities on this project. Use the Follow Project button on this page to sign up for project updates.
YG220K Survey Extended
This is a quick update to let you know that we have extended the YG220K Visioning Survey by just over a week – it will now close at 4 p.m. on March 17. We have had a fantastic response from the community so far with more than 300 surveys completed and would like to allow a little more time for more public feedback to come in.
Thank you very much to everyone who has completed a survey already, we appreciate the contributions. If you have family or friends who haven’t yet filled it out, please let them know about the extension. If they require an alternate format, please email or reach out through our customer service options and we can assist.
We will be sending out an update later this month regarding next steps in the Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan public engagement process. Stay tuned!
- YG220K Project Team
Visioning survey launches
We know you’ve been patiently waiting for this, it’s survey time! Today we launched the visioning survey for the Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan.
It’s important that we hear from the community broadly at this crucial point in the project and kindly ask for about 20 minutes – possibly a bit longer depending on your responses – of your time and energy. Your feedback will be used to help shape the two plans we’re working on, the Official Plan and the Integrated Mobility Plan, and ultimately contribute to how we grow and move into the future.
We want to hear from you—and from as many voices as possible. Help us spread the word! The more people who participate, the better we can reflect the diverse ambitions of our community. Please share this survey with family, friends, colleagues and anyone who might be interested.
Once this survey is complete, we’ll report back on what we heard and outline the next steps in the process as the YG220K planning continues.
Thank you for your time and energy so far. We truly appreciate your contributions!
- YG220K Project Team
YG220K Community Advisory Group Update #1
We’re kicking off this year with a quick trip back to 2024 to catch you up on what the Community Advisory Group has been up to. Comprised of over 20 members, the Community Advisory Group represents an exciting new way for the City to engage with residents on the new Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan. The first meeting was held on Sept. 28, 2024, and the next one is scheduled for late winter or early spring 2025.
What Happened at the First Meeting?
This initial gathering was focused on orienting advisory group members to the new Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan projects. City of Kingston staff introduced the city’s growth estimates and discussed some of the associated opportunities and challenges facing the City over the next two and a half decades. The meeting also gave participants a chance to get to know each other and to develop working relationships.
Tim Park, Director of Planning Services, speaks to the Community Advisory Group.
During the presentation, City of Kingston staff walked advisory group members through the key aspects of city planning and transportation including:
- Designing Mobility Options for All
- Sustainability and Environmental Impact
- Zoning and Urban Intensification
- Planning Policy and Budget
- Transportation Infrastructure and Connectivity
The goal was to ensure that all participants were working from the same shared foundation of knowledge and had opportunities for questions and discussions.
Visioning Exercise
Following the presentation and discussion, participants were tasked with imagining a future short news story about planning or transportation. Each story considered the future context of Kingston, what the future scene looked like, and the type of publication (real or fictional). The stories covered a wide range of future scenarios, including building new community hubs, expansion of car share options, and opportunities for cafes and community spaces serving as creative hubs.
Want to learn more about the Community Advisory Group? Check out a more detailed summary of what we heard below.
Next steps for the group will be to reconvene in the late winter or early Spring 2025 to connect about the work being done on the first draft of the new Official Plan policies, along with transformational conversations about traffic and mobility more broadly. Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading,
- YG220K Project Team
What We Heard
This is a summary of the comments and themes we heard from group participants during the first Community Advisory Group meeting in September 2024. The first section is focused on feedback and questions from the presentation while the second section focuses on what was expressed through the visioning exercise.
Feedback Received
Throughout the meetings, participants shared comments and posed questions to the project team on topics related to urban and transportation planning. Below is a summary of the key interest points important to the Community Advisory Group.
Accessibility and Safety
- Affordability and Livability: Advocacy for affordable housing, community gardens, complete communities, and ensuring that growth meets the needs of residents.
- Accessible Maps: Request to improve map usability for individuals with visual impairments (colorblind-friendly maps) and provide maps tracking Official Plan amendments geographically.
- Transit Accessibility: Advocacy for accessibility on public transit, particularly for users of wheelchairs, strollers, and other mobility aids.
- Aging Population: Advocacy from several Community Advisory Group members for the needs of an aging population, including targeted support for seniors transitioning out of car ownership.
- Pedestrian Safety: Interest in road designs that prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety, including the use of concrete islands and slower traffic designs. Public Transit Safety: Concern about safety on Kingston Transit, particularly for students and other vulnerable groups who rely on public transit daily.
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
- Environmental Impact: Request to consider wildlife, ecosystems, and sustainable development practices during urban expansion.
- Sustainable Services: Interest in waste management, recycling, and how a growing population will affect these systems.
- Renewable Energy: Concern over how electric vehicles might impact the city’s power grid and interest in how the City can advocate for provincial support in upgrading infrastructure.
- Transportation Targets & Active Transport: Enthusiastic support for how the City is setting new transportation mode share targets, focusing on active transportation, transit use, and reducing car dependency in alignment with long-term sustainability goals.
Zoning and Urban Intensification
- Population Density: Concern over increasing population density and its impact on urban planning, infrastructure, and services.
- Urban vs. Rural Development: Interest in the expansion of the urban boundary and how to balance intensification in existing areas with developing new ones.
- Building Heights and Zoning: Curiosity about building height regulations and zoning bylaws.
- Parking and Transportation: Interest in parking requirements, with a focus on reducing vehicle reliance and supporting sustainable transportation.
Planning, Policy and Budget
- Engaging Youth: A push for including younger voices (children and teenagers) in the urban and transportation planning processes.
- Official Plan Amendments: Interest in the number of amendments made to the current Official Plan.
- Strategic Growth: Curiosity about the balance between expanding the urban boundary and intensifying existing areas, and how phasing infrastructure affects budget considerations.
- Long-Term Vision: While current decisions align with long-term goals and Council’s strategic priorities, Community Advisory Group members emphasized the importance of environmental conservation, livability and complete communities.
- Legislation & Government Influence: Interest in the impact of provincial government decisions, such as cycling path regulations, on local municipal plans, and how the City can ensure its strategies are aligned with evolving policies while advocating for community needs.
- Data Collection: Requests for more access to City data related to transportation and housing. There were also concerns about cybersecurity as more smart technology is used in transportation.
Transportation Infrastructure and Connectivity
- Neighbourhood-level Planning: Interest in how transportation patterns and mode share differ across Kingston’s various neighbourhoods and how land use policies will shape future infrastructure projects.
- Rail & Intercity Transport: Strong enthusiasm for connecting Kingston to other cities by rail, including plans for GO train expansion and advocating for improved high-frequency rail from Toronto to Montreal.
- Transit Infrastructure Updates: Curiosity about specific road and cycling infrastructure, such as the design of intersections and bike lanes, as well as bus capacity for mobility devices and strollers.
- Car & Ride Sharing Systems: Support for the introduction of car-share programs, drawing on examples from other cities to reduce dependency on car ownership in Kingston.
- Commercial Vehicles & Freight: Interest in managing commercial vehicle traffic through neighbourhoods and prioritizing deliveries, curb space, and access in business districts.
Visioning Activity - Future Kingston News Story
Community Advisory Group members were asked to write creative stories about their visions of Kingston in the future. Below are the key themes that emerged from participants’ news stories, implying their future aspirations for the City of Kingston.
Improved Transportation and Connectivity
- Sustainable Transport: Expansion of electric public transit, bike lanes, and shared mobility services.
- Airport Expansion and Connectivity: Interest in better access to major cities like Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal via light rail, and hopes to expand Kingston airport.
- Improved Transit Accessibility: Ideas for better bus stop technology, more frequent service, and enhanced transit user experience.
- Electric and Active Transport Initiatives: Community Advisory Group members envision electric buses to priority lanes for electric vehicles and pedestrian-friendly zones.
- Autonomous Vehicles: Future transportation via subscription-based autonomous services.
Sustainability and Green Living
- Eco-friendly Urban Design: Circular economy, sustainable community hubs, and neighbourhoods designed with green spaces.
- Low-income, Self-sustained Communities: Off-the-grid housing projects and local food production.
- Green Spaces and Pedestrian Walkways: Enhancing livability with parks, gardens, and pedestrian paths.
- Agri-commercial Development: Focus on local food production through urban agriculture.
Youth and Community Engagement
- Youth Involvement in Governance: A youth mayor and the desire for a Youth Council with equal voting power in city decisions. Inviting and Iterative
- Community Engagement: A community-centered engagement process that fosters meaningful participation by meeting people in comfortable, familiar settings and validating their input at multiple points throughout the planning process.
- Community Centers and Inclusivity: The opening of centres that serve diverse community needs, emphasizing fitness, health, and environmental sustainability.
Technological Innovation
- Smart City Technologies: AI-powered transit apps for optimizing travel, smart traffic signals, and mobile route planning tools.
- Modern Infrastructure: Improved signage, LED displays, and real-time information at bus stops.
Urban Growth and Development
- Population and Housing Growth: Rapid urbanization with new housing developments integrated with local services and student housing projects that blend with the community.
- Cultural and Creative Evolution: Kingston’s transformation into a vibrant urban centre, celebrated in its cultural spaces and artistic evolution.
Fall 2024 Update
With the end of 2024 near it’s a great time to provide an update on the progress of the City’s new Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan. There’s been a lot that’s happened since June and a lot yet to happen.
Summer Engagement Highlights
We launched ‘YG220K’ in June with the application process for the Community Advisory Group and making appearances at several key community events. Between June and September, we connected with the Kingston community at six pop-up events, including the Princess Street Promenade, the Cataraqui Centre, Kingston PRIDE and the Memorial Centre Farmer’s Market, where we had the chance to see this year’s zucchini races and if you haven’t seen that before, you should!
The YG220K booth at Kingston Pride in June.
During these events, we spoke with hundreds of people across a wide spectrum of Kingston life and experience. We encouraged Kingstonians to apply for the Community Advisory Group and conducted an interactive activity that invited participants to envision themselves as a City Planner and let us know what they prioritize.We also hosted a back-to-school colouring contest, providing activity sheets to local schools. The sheets sparked discussions around the dinner table, and students who completed them had a chance to win a prize pack, including Grand Theatre tickets.
Community Advisory Group Launches
After receiving more than 200 applications over the summer, the Community Advisory Group Members were selected through an adapted civic lottery process. In September the Community Advisory Group held their first meeting where participants were introduced to the project and Kingston’s context. This included learning about the ways Kingston is projected to grow and the history of land use and transportation planning in Kingston. The session also included an interactive group activity where participants imagined what Kingston might look like in 25 years, helping to shape the policy needed to get there.
Tim Park, Director of Planning Services, speaks to the CAG.
Integrated Mobility Plan Gets Moving
In late October the Notice of Commencement was published for the Integrated Mobility Plan project. This is part of the Environmental Assessment process and formally begins the project. In early November, we facilitated small group workshops where participants created journey maps to understand their personal lived experiences travelling around Kingston.
The City also launched Kingston Moves, our household travel survey. While not directly part of this project, the data from that survey will be used to help inform the work on the Integrated Mobility Plan. The survey is being conducted by an external research firm (R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd.) who has mailed out unique survey codes to randomized addresses in Kingston. If you happened to receive one, please take the time to fill it out – it goes a long way in helping the City plan for the future!
What’s Happening Now and What’s Next?
Writing of the draft Official Plan has started. This is an effort to begin foundation building based on feedback from the City’s strategic plan and informed by the visioning work over the summer. This is still in the very early stages and a lot of work is still to come.
Workshops were also held with Indigenous community members after the YG220K team reached out through community contacts. These online workshops are a space to hear Indigenous insight about the Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan.
Coming Soon: Survey Time!
It’s almost SURVEY TIME! That’s right, in January 2025 we will be releasing a survey that asks for some specific feedback on topics important to the development of both the Official Plan and the Integrated Mobility Plan. We’ll send out another update when that survey is live. So please keep your eyes peeled for that, we’re very excited to start this part of the process.
Thank you again for your interest and your time, this update was not brief but there’s a lot of ground to cover. If you have questions please reach out to and
We’ll be in touch soon,
YG220K Project Team
Notice of Commencement: City of Kingston Integrated Mobility Plan
The Study
The City of Kingston is commencing the Integrated Mobility Plan – the new long-term transportation plan for Kingston. The Integrated Mobility Plan focuses on how people and goods will travel based on the growth and land use plans being developed as part of the City’s new Official Plan. The Integrated Mobility Plan will identify infrastructure requirements and develop policies for the city’s street network, frequent transit corridors, and active transportation networks through the 2051 planning horizon. The Integrated Mobility Plan will accommodate planned growth and intensification while ensuring our transportation system is sustainable, equitable, and efficient, and provides options for people of all ages and abilities.
The Process
The Integrated Mobility Plan is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process under the Master Planning process using Approach #1. The City is in the process of retaining a technical consultant for the scope of the Integrated Mobility Plan to support an expected project completion of Fall 2026.
We Want to Hear from You
Engaging with the Kingston community is integral to our study. The Integrated Mobility Plan is closely integrated with the City’s development of a new Official Plan, which will allow for a variety of consultation and engagement opportunities throughout their development. As part of the first phase of engagement, we welcome and encourage individuals, organizations and groups to share their feedback through a survey that will be released in November. To learn more about the project, sign up for updates, or access the survey once it’s live, please visit
If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact:
Matt Kussin
Manager, Transportation Policy & Programs
216 Ontario Street, Kingston ON K7L 2Z3
613-546-4291 x1333 -
Colouring contest
Grab your crayons, markers and coloured pencils it's time to get creative with the YG220K colouring contest. This is a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about city planning and contribute feedback for the Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan projects. Taking part enters you in a draw to win a fabulous prize pack that includes four tickets for two Grand OnStage performances at the Kingston Grand Theatre — Grand OnStage is the City of Kingston’s performing arts presenting program — The performances are Machine de Cirque on Oct. 18, 2024 and Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny on Dec. 8, 2024. The prize package also includes four passes to the Pumphouse Museum, and 10 passes for public skating at the Invista Centre.
If you want to enter to win all you have to do is:
- Email and request your copy of the colouring sheets.
- Print them, colour them and complete them.
- Send the back using the instructions on the sheet before Oct. 10, 2024
Contest closes Oct. 10 2024.
Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan Community Advisory Group - Terms of Reference (June 2024)
About This Document
These Terms of Reference (ToR) outline the roles and responsibilities of the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan Community Advisory Group (CAG) members and staff. This document will be reviewed during the first meeting and agreed upon by all CAG members. Any changes to the ToR will be made in consultation with the Project Team and CAG members.
Let’s Talk About Kingston’s Official Plan & Integrated Mobility Plan
Project Background
It’s an exciting time for Kingston! With a fresh strategic plan and continued growth on the horizon, it’s an increasingly desirable place to live. The update of the City of Kingston’s Official Plan (OP) and the development of a new Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP, formerly the Transportation Master Plan) have aligned to take place at the same time, creating an incredible opportunity for alignment at a policy level in planning for the City’s future.
The timing couldn’t be better. Though there are incredible opportunities ahead, Kingston faces challenges too. The City could see the population rise by as much as 32% by the year 2051, with planned growth of 220,000, and currently, population growth outpaces development. Council’s Strategic Plan highlights their focus on housing affordability, environmental stewardship and climate action, building an active, connected, caring and inclusive community and prioritizing innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth. These projects have the potential to realize this vision laid out by Council.
City of Kingston Official Plan Update
An Official Plan (OP) is a policy document that guides the short-term and long-term development of your community. The City of Kingston is required to update the OP every five years in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, which is provincial legislation that sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario. The OP plan will outline what can be built in the city, and where, acting as a guide for the next 25 years. Kingston is growing and the Official Plan will ensure that the city continues to be livable, diverse, equitable and prosperous.
This plan will be used as the basis of other plans and bylaws the City will develop and update, including the servicing plans, the zoning bylaw, parks plans, recreation plans, and more. They all build on the details in the Official Plan.
City of Kingston Integrated Mobility Plan
The Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP) focuses on how people will move throughout the city to get to where they need to go from now to 2051. The plan will lay out a blueprint for roads, frequent transit corridors, and active transportation infrastructure over the coming years. To accommodate the growth that is envisioned sustainably, equitably, and efficiently, our future transportation network will need to provide options for people of all ages and abilities.
The integrated mobility plan will follow a few months behind the Official Plan, allowing the two plans to be strategically aligned.
What is a Community Advisory Group?
A Community Advisory Group (CAG) is a panel of up to 25 community members who are selected to provide advice to the City of Kingston on a project based on their specific connection to a project, knowledge and/or experience.
The Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan Community Advisory Group (CAG) will help guide the City of Kingston in the development of these plans. CAG members may draw from their personal and/or professional experiences to provide local insights to shape these plans that will ultimately shape how Kingston will develop and grow in the years to come.
The selection process is data-driven, ensuring that the perspectives of historically marginalized communities, as well as those of future residents, are considered. The result is a CAG that has a diverse makeup, where the representation of equity-deserving communities is prioritized.
CAG members must live in the City of Kingston or represent a group or organization that is active in Kingston. CAG will be composed of 18 to 20 community members and 5 to 7 representatives of community groups or organizations that are active in Kingston.
Who is the Project Team?
The Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG is a project collaboratively managed by the City of Kingston’s Growth & Development Services and Transportation & Transit Services, and the engagement consultant team at SAFFY.
SAFFY was hired by the City of Kingston to develop, facilitate and maintain the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG. SAFFY will be the CAG members’ main point of contact, although CAG members will engage with many Project Team members at committee meetings.
When specific projects are brought to the committee for feedback and deliberation, CAG members can expect to hear from City staff at Planning, Transportation & Transit, and other City divisions.
Terms of Reference: Community Advisory Group Members
The purpose of the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG is:
- To act as an advisory body to the City on matters related to the Official Plan Update and Integrated Mobility Plan, at key decision points during the public consultation process for city-wide and project-specific considerations;
- To represent the key impacted parties of Kingston and ensure the best interests of the community they represent are considered, and;
- To ensure that the plans endeavour to make Kingston a welcoming, equitable and sustainable place for all to enjoy.
The role of the group is to provide guidance and advice on behalf of the community to the Project Team. The Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG is not a decision-making body. The CAG is not responsible for the decisions made by the Project Team or City Council.
Meeting Details
The Project Team anticipates convening the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG for a minimum of three (3) meetings over the next two years, beginning in the summer of 2024.
Additional meetings may be called when additional consultation is required for the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan.
The first Meetings will typically be held on weekday evenings, in an attempt to accommodate the schedules of a range of CAG participants.
Meetings will primarily be held virtually. A link to the meeting will be available in advance.
The first meeting will take place in person (location TBD) on Saturday, September 28 from 11am - 2pm.
CAG members will be be compensated $225 upon completion of the project, at a rate of $75 per meeting for their participation, at the end of the project.
Conditions of Membership
Active participation and attendance of CAG meetings from all members is essential and CAG members attend meetings as representatives of their respective groups/organizations.
CAG members are required to abide by the Community Guidelines. Failure to do so may result in removal from the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
CAG members are required to abide by the Terms of Reference detailed in this document. Failure to do so may result in removal from the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
CAG members are expected to provide feedback to the Project Team based on the group they represent.
CAG members who are absent for 2 or more meetings may be removed from the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
If a CAG member is representative of a group/organization:
Only one member of each group/organization may be in attendance at each meeting.
If a CAG member cannot attend a meeting, they may send one representative from their group/organization in their place.
The organizations represented by CAG members will be shared publicly, on the project website and in other project communications.
Term Limits and Conditions
CAG members’ participation in the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG shall be for a minimum of two (2) years.
CAG members may end their participation in the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG at any time, including prior to the term limit of two (2) years. It is the responsibility of the CAG member to notify the Project Team of their intent to end their participation.
It is the responsibility of CAG members to remain in communication with the Project Team by replying to emails, responding to calendar invites, and through other modes of communication. Failure to respond to the Project Team’s communications for a period of 6 weeks or more may result in removal from the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
Conflict of Interest
A Conflict of Interest is defined in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, as any member having a financial interest with respect to the agenda item being reviewed — a financial interest that is larger than what would reasonably be assumed to exist for an average Kingstonian.
CAG members must declare any conflict of interest with respect to any agenda items being reviewed, and take direction from the Project Team about their participation in the review of any such agenda items.
If members are not sure about whether there is a conflict of interest, they are responsible for seeking clarification from the Project Team. Any declared conflicts will be recorded in the meeting summary.
CAG members are expected to be transparent with the Project Team and with other committee members about any personal, professional, civic or other roles they hold that may present a conflict of interest, regardless of whether they are formally representing those interests on the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
Community Guidelines
As a member of the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG, you agree to abide by the City of Kingston’s Public Engagement Guidelines for Participation:
Be respectful of all participants;
Be open to all ideas;
Adhere to the established process and time frame;
Change process during a session only by group decision, if necessary;
Allow everyone the opportunity to speak;
Allow people to speak without interruption;
Try to include everyone; and
Turn cell phones off/mute.
Additional Community Guidelines may be introduced to ensure the CAG remains a safe, equitable and inclusive environment for all members to participate.
Building Consensus
As an advisory group, the CAG will operate using a consensus-based approach, where members seek general agreement on guidance and advice to the Project Team.
A consensus-based approach assumes that participants can openly discuss ideas, experiences, and viewpoints, and are willing to work together to develop common ground and minimize areas of disagreement to the best of their ability. Differing viewpoints and opinions will be documented in the CAG meeting notes.
Media Relations
As a member of the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG, you agree to:
CAG members may speak to the media about their individual perspective on the project.
As individual members’ opinions are not necessarily representative of the views of the entire CAG, in the event that members receive media inquiries about the Kingston Official Plan Update or Integrated Mobility Plan and/or the CAG, those inquiries should be referred to the City media relations by emailing
Members should avoid speaking on behalf of the larger Community Advisory Group in any formal public setting, unless prior arrangements have been made with City staff.
Terms of Reference: Project Team
Meeting Governance
The Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG meetings will be facilitated by SAFFY and members of the Project Team. The role of the facilitator is:
To facilitate the smooth and effective functioning of the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
To ensure the communication of project information to the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
To accurately capture feedback from Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG members and report back to the City of Kingston’s Growth & Development Services and Transportation & Transit Services, and other relevant Project Team members.
Maintaining Membership
Quorum for meetings will not be required; however, if less than half of the members are able to attend a given meeting (indicated through an RSVP), the Project Team may reschedule the meeting to allow for broader participation.
The project Team is responsible for soliciting applications from relevant stakeholder groups and onboarding new members in a timely manner.
When members leave the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG (whether due to term limits or voluntary and/or involuntary resignation), the Project Team is responsible for ensuring timely replacement of their seats on the committee.
Our Commitments as a Project Team
As process stewards, we, City Project Team staff and SAFFY staff, commit to:
Providing fair and equal access to the public engagement process to all who are interested in participating.
Maintaining an atmosphere that is respectful of all participants and other staff members.
Ensuring that the project outcomes and/or staff recommendations are informed by participants’ concerns, interests and desires.
Being advocates for the integrity of the public process and ensuring it reflects as much as possible directions contained in the Council-approved "Kingston’s Turning Point: A Growth Plan for Land Use and Transportation.”
Undertaking and encouraging actions by other City staff that build trust and credibility for the process among all participants.
Providing the information participants need to meaningfully participate.
Procedures and Practices
The Project Team will set meeting agendas based on the needs of the Official Plan update and Integrated Mobility Plan.
The agenda and any supplementary background information will be shared approximately one (1) week before the meeting. Members are expected to review this material prior to each meeting.
The Project Team will use various tools and methods to facilitate conversation and gather feedback from members of the Kingston Official Plan Update & Integrated Mobility Plan CAG.
If CAG members require additional accommodation, support or training to meaningfully participate or use the tools or methods provided in the meeting, it is the responsibility of the CAG member to notify the Project Team, ideally with two weeks advance notice where possible.
The Project Team will be responsible for providing adequate support and resources to the CAG member to ensure their full participation.
Project Team will ensure notes are taken and a summary circulated to members for review following each of the meetings.
Meeting summaries will be posted to the project webpage after members have had the opportunity to review them.
Follow Project
Spring 2024 - Project launch
Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan is currently at this stage -
Spring 2026 - Completion of Official Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan -
Fall 2026 - Completion of Integrated Mobility Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan
Key Dates
August 09 2024
September 28 2024
March 17 2025
Add some context to your commute as Laura Flaherty and Matt Kussin join host Autumn Hulme in this episode of the City of Kingston Podcast Tell Me More to introduce the Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan, the processes to write them, and their significance.
Originally aired April 26, 2024.
Who's Listening
Project Manager, Planning
Manager, Transportation Policy and Programs
Manager, Policy Planning
Commissioner, Community Services
Email -
Director, Planning Services
Email -
Director, Transportation Services
Notice of collection
All information received will be compiled and considered by staff for use under the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments made on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.