Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan
What's YG220K? It's a shared vision for the future of Kingston carrying us forward for the next 25 years. YG220K is the amalgamation of YGK - the city's airport code and regional identifier - and 220k, short for 220,000, which is the population Kingston is expected to hit by 2051.
YG220K is a rewrite of the City of Kingston’s Official Plan, which is a document that guides our city’s future land use, growth and change and the City of Kingston’s Transportation Plan, now called the Integrated Mobility Plan, which guides our city’s future transportation network.
Official Plan
Sets the City's land use plans for the next 25 years, approximately, until 2051. It will outline how residential, commercial, industrial and other land uses will be built in the city. Kingston is growing and the Official Plan will ensure that the city continues to be livable, diverse, equitable and prosperous by strategically directing growth. This plan will be used as the basis of other plans and bylaws the City will develop and update including the servicing plans, the zoning bylaw, parks plans, recreation plans and more, they all build off the details in the Official Plan.
Integrated Mobility Plan
Focuses on how people will move throughout the city to get to where they need to go, from now to 2051. The plan will lay out a blueprint for roads, frequent transit corridors, and active transportation infrastructure over the coming years. To accommodate the growth that is envisioned sustainably, equitably, and efficiently, our future transportation network will need to provide options for people of all ages and abilities. The integrated mobility plan will follow a few months behind the Official Plan, allowing it to be in lock-step with the planned origins and destinations of where people will need to go.
Two plans, one coordinated approach
The Official Plan and Integrated Mobility Plan are two separate plans with two distinct purposes but are very much intertwined. If you're planning for future land uses and planning for growth, it makes sense to plan for how the transportation network will support that growth. Likewise, it’s important to plan for growth in areas where transportation infrastructure investments are already being made.
For the first time in our history, the City of Kingston will be completing these two plans at the same time. Doing so opens up the opportunity to have a more complete conversation about the future growth of the City and about how we grow in a more connected, deliberate way. Having these two plans completed at the same time presents a great opportunity for collaboration and improvement – so, we're taking it.
Community involvement
A shared vision requires involvement from the community, and public engagement on this project will be central to it. Throughout the project, there will have opportunities to share your feedback both online and in person. From surveys, pop-up events, interviews and much more, we will need to hear your voice.
Community Advisory Group
A Community Advisory Group is a panel of community members who are selected through a civic lottery to provide advice to the City of Kingston on a project, based on their specific connection to a project, knowledge and/or experience. The group will meet three times to review, and provide feedback and input at key decision points throughout the review of Kingston’s Official Plan and for the development of the Integrated Mobility Plan. Applicants will also have the opportunity to self-identify whether they would like to be considered for the additional Project Champion role.
Applications closed on August 9.
What is a Civic Lottery?
Municipal governments often use civic lotteries to bring communities together to find solutions to common issues. Civic lotteries are equitable and democratic methods to select participants to represent diverse communities.
To ensure that the adapted civic lottery is inclusive and representative, we have reviewed and established the baseline demographics of the City of Kingston which allowed us to determine the number of people and identities that need to be represented in the group. We then considered perspectives that need to be overrepresented, given historical inequities. This process ensures that selected members represent the demographically diverse makeup of the City of Kingston, and reflect equity-deserving populations and future residents as the City continues to grow and evolve. Additionally, we've added adaptations to ensure the group is a diverse representation.
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