North King's Town Secondary Plan

Graphic depicting a small city, a bus, and images of nature, text says North King's Town Secondary Plan.

The City of Kingston is developing a secondary plan for the North King's Town area – the Inner Harbour and Old Industrial areas just north of downtown. The plan will support and promote a sustainable, vibrant and livable community for a significant portion of Kingston's urban core.

Work has resumed on Phase 2 of the North King’s Town Secondary Plan. The project was paused in 2019 to reallocate staff resources to the Williamsville Main Street Study update, it was delayed again with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to reallocate staff resources.

Notice of Complete Applications and Public Meeting

The City of Kingston has initiated applications (D35-001-2025) to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws to implement the North King’s Town (NKT) Project. The Notice of Complete Application and Statutory Public Meeting is available on the City's website and below. Supporting information, including final versions of the NKT technical studies (Mobility Plan, Cultural Heritage Study, Servicing Study, and Financial and Implementation Strategy) and the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments are available for public review on DASH, using the following steps:

  1. Use the search bar near the top right-hand corner to search for application “D35-001-2025.”
  2. Select “Record Info.”
  3. Select “Supporting Information” from the drop-down menu.

2024 Engagement

An open house was held on April 10 to review technical drafts completed as part of the plan draft.

2023 Engagement

Neighbourhood Changes Survey

The Neighbourhood Changes survey was posted on Get Involved Kingston and was available between May 29 and June 19, 2023.

The purpose of this survey was to collect information from members of the public on what changes had occurred within the North King’s Town (NKT) study area in recent years, to better understand what attributes of the area the community values and what are considered to be opportunities for improvement.

Workshop Discussion Questions

Virtual and in-person open houses and workshops were held on June 12 and 13, 2023 respectively. These events included a presentation, question and answer period and a workshop on discussion questions. There were approximately 40 participants during the virtual Zoom event and approximately 35 participants during the in-person event, which was held at The Broom Factory, 305 Rideau Street.

Development Community and Landowner Interviews

Following the Open Houses and Workshops held on June 12 and 13, 2023, the project team met with various members of the local development community and property owners within the proposed Intensification Areas to discuss land uses, building heights, density, and opportunities and constraints to redevelopment within the study area. The comments received through those interviews have been summarized in the following themes and will be considered by the project team in conjunction with other consultation comments when preparing revised materials.

Receive project updates

To receive project updates or copies of presentation materials, please contact Niall Oddie, Senior Planner by email or calling 613-546-4291, ext. 3259

Graphic depicting a small city, a bus, and images of nature, text says North King's Town Secondary Plan.

The City of Kingston is developing a secondary plan for the North King's Town area – the Inner Harbour and Old Industrial areas just north of downtown. The plan will support and promote a sustainable, vibrant and livable community for a significant portion of Kingston's urban core.

Work has resumed on Phase 2 of the North King’s Town Secondary Plan. The project was paused in 2019 to reallocate staff resources to the Williamsville Main Street Study update, it was delayed again with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to reallocate staff resources.

Notice of Complete Applications and Public Meeting

The City of Kingston has initiated applications (D35-001-2025) to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws to implement the North King’s Town (NKT) Project. The Notice of Complete Application and Statutory Public Meeting is available on the City's website and below. Supporting information, including final versions of the NKT technical studies (Mobility Plan, Cultural Heritage Study, Servicing Study, and Financial and Implementation Strategy) and the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments are available for public review on DASH, using the following steps:

  1. Use the search bar near the top right-hand corner to search for application “D35-001-2025.”
  2. Select “Record Info.”
  3. Select “Supporting Information” from the drop-down menu.

2024 Engagement

An open house was held on April 10 to review technical drafts completed as part of the plan draft.

2023 Engagement

Neighbourhood Changes Survey

The Neighbourhood Changes survey was posted on Get Involved Kingston and was available between May 29 and June 19, 2023.

The purpose of this survey was to collect information from members of the public on what changes had occurred within the North King’s Town (NKT) study area in recent years, to better understand what attributes of the area the community values and what are considered to be opportunities for improvement.

Workshop Discussion Questions

Virtual and in-person open houses and workshops were held on June 12 and 13, 2023 respectively. These events included a presentation, question and answer period and a workshop on discussion questions. There were approximately 40 participants during the virtual Zoom event and approximately 35 participants during the in-person event, which was held at The Broom Factory, 305 Rideau Street.

Development Community and Landowner Interviews

Following the Open Houses and Workshops held on June 12 and 13, 2023, the project team met with various members of the local development community and property owners within the proposed Intensification Areas to discuss land uses, building heights, density, and opportunities and constraints to redevelopment within the study area. The comments received through those interviews have been summarized in the following themes and will be considered by the project team in conjunction with other consultation comments when preparing revised materials.

Receive project updates

To receive project updates or copies of presentation materials, please contact Niall Oddie, Senior Planner by email or calling 613-546-4291, ext. 3259

  • 2016 - 2018 Engagement Summaries

    Every voice that contributes to public engagement helps inform project development. Below is a summary of public consultation and engagement activities that have been completed as parts of Phase 1 and the earlier part of Phase 2. Thank you to everyone who has contributed your time, opinion and expertise so far.

    Phase 2 - Technical Studies consultations

    Talking Circle & Open House: October 3, 2018

    Participants learned more about the North King's Town Secondary Plan and offered ideas about the project.

    Project update and workshops: June 26, 2018

    An update on the project and feedback from participants was provided in two workshops on June 26. Updates and feedback included the revised land use plan, draft heritage character areas, and information about the draft transportation plan (including the problem/opportunity statement, revised evaluation criteria, and a draft inventory of potential network improvements).

    Public launch: February 28, 2018

    The launch of phase 2 of the North King's Town project, technical studies, took place at three events on February 28 and two drop-in information sessions on March 3 and March 6.

    Phase 1 - Visioning consultations

    The following is a list of all events from the community visioning exercise and preliminary market analysis for the North King's Town Secondary Plan. This includes links to display materials, presentations, consultation summaries, and draft reports.

    Public launch: May 24, 2016

    The project launch for North King's Town took place at the Royal Canadian Legion.

    Visioning workshop: June 20, 2016

    This interactive workshop was held at the Portuguese Cultural Centre.

    Community visioning exercise: June 22, 2016

    A community visioning exercise for North King's Town was held in Douglas R. Fluhrer Park, along with a free public barbeque and concert. This event was co-hosted by the City and the Skeleton Park Arts Festival.

    Community information booth: June 25, 2016

    The City had a community information booth about the North King's Town Secondary Plan in McBurney Park as part of the Skeleton Park Arts Festival.

    Old Industrial Area Visits: June 10 and July 20, 2016

    City staff visited the Old Industrial Area on two occasions to engage with businesses, social service providers, and the residents about the North King's Town project.

    Community information booth: July 30, 2016

    The City had a community information booth about the North King's Town Secondary Plan downtown as part of the Princess Street Promenade from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Pop-up consultation booth: Aug. 4, 2016

    The City held two short pop-up consultation sessions about the North King's Town project at Kingston Community Health Centres on Weller Avenue and at the Chat-a-Bit Station on the corner of Montreal Street and John Counter Boulevard.

    Talking circle: Sept. 19, 2016

    The City and the consulting team hosted a talking circle at City Hall for the local indigenous community to provide input into the future of the North King's Town area.

    Open house: Sept. 19, 2016

    The City and the consulting team presented components of the draft report for public comment.

    Open house: Nov. 14, 2016

    The City hosted an informal, drop-in open house. There was no formal presentation, but staff and members of the consulting team were available to answer questions and receive comments about the draft report.

    Open house: April 19, 2017

    The City hosted an informal, drop-in open house (with no formal presentation). Staff were available to answer questions and receive comments about the revised draft report.

  • North King's Town Cultural Heritage Report

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The draft Cultural Heritage Study for the North King's Town area was posted in April 2019. Members of the public were invited to review the document and offer their comments until May 22, 2019.

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 01:35 PM