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Community Advisory Group Application Form

About the Project 

It's an exciting time for Kingston! With Council’s fresh strategic direction and continued growth on the horizon, it’s an increasingly desirable place to live. The City of Kingston is developing a new Official Plan and a new Integrated Mobility Plan (formerly the Transportation Master Plan) and have aligned the two projects to take place at the same time, creating an incredible opportunity for alignment at a policy level in planning for the City’s future. 

City of Kingston Official Plan

The City of Kingston is required to update the Official Plan every five years in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Instead of a simple update to the existing plan, the City will be preparing a brand new Official Plan to proactively plan for growth to ensure that Kingston continues to be a livable, diverse, equitable and prosperous City as the population is expected to grow to 220,900 people by 2051. 

City of Kingston Integrated Mobility Plan 

The Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP) outlines Kingston's future transportation network vision and goals. Aligned closely with the Official Plan's direction, it considers the infrastructure, programs, and policies necessary to accommodate long-term growth while shaping the city's transportation system for the future. 

What is a Community Advisory Group? 

A Community Advisory Group (CAG)  is a panel of community members who are selected to provide advice to the City of Kingston on a project, based on their specific connection to a project, knowledge and/or experience. The CAG will meet three times to review, and provide feedback and input at key decision points throughout the review of Kingston’s Official Plan and for the development of the Integrated Mobility Plan. Applicants will also have the opportunity to self-identify whether they would like to be considered for the additional Project Champion role. 

Group members will be selected by civic lottery. Municipal governments often use civic lotteries to bring communities together to find solutions to common issues. Civic lotteries are equitable and democratic methods to select participants to represent diverse communities.

To ensure that the adapted civic lottery is inclusive and representative, we have reviewed and established the baseline demographics of the City of Kingston which allowed us to determine the number of people and identities that need to be represented in the group. We then considered perspectives that need to be overrepresented, given historical inequities. This process ensures that selected members represent the demographically diverse makeup of the City of Kingston, and reflect equity-deserving populations and future residents as the City continues to grow and evolve. Additionally, we've added adaptations to ensure the group is a diverse representation. 

You can review the terms of reference.

What is expected from CAG members? 

Community Advisory Group members are expected to commit to: 

  • Attending and actively participating in three meetings over two years and reviewing materials before and after meetings as required. 

  • Representing their community and providing feedback for the future vision of Kingston, informing the Official Plan rewrite and the development of the Integrated Mobility Plan. 

  • Promoting engagement opportunities and public surveys within their networks. 

The first meeting will be held in person, location to be determined, on Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Will I be compensated for participation? 

Community Advisory Group members will be compensated with $225 upon completion of the project, at a rate of $75 per meeting. 

Data Confidentiality 

Data collected will only be used for the selection of the Community Advisory Group. Your data will be kept confidential and will not be shared for any purpose not specifically authorized. Personal information provided by you for this survey is collected on a voluntary basis.


Applications are being accepted until 11:55pm on Aug. 9. All applicants will be notified if they have been successful or unsuccessful by early September. 

If you represent a local group, resident association, community group or organization that operates in Kingston, we welcome your application.